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OMG A SUNDAY UPDATE! The main reason why it's a double update week end is becuase I have finals this week and I am dreading them. Wish me luck!

We got into the car and Sherlock started doing what he does best, deducing. "There’s going to be a bomb on a passenger jet. The British and American governments know about it but rather than expose the source of that information they’re going to let it happen. The plane will blow up. Coventry all over again. The wheel turns. Nothing is ever new." No one awnsered him. Some time later the car arrives at Heathrow Airport and is driven past hangars to a 747 Jumbo Jet parked on the tarmac. The car stops near the plane and we get out and walk over to the steps which lead up to the entry door. A familiar figure is standing at the bottom of the steps. It’s Neilson. "Well, you’re lookin’ all better. How ya feelin’?" Sher said in a fake American accent.

"Like putting a bullet in your brain ... sir." He replies as Sher and I walk up the steps to the plane. "They’d pin a medal on me if I did ... But honestly, who just carries around a rag of Chloroform?"

"Obviously, I do. I get on people's bad sides." I sighed then glaring daggers at him for the previous comment.

"They'd pin a medal on me if I shot both of you..." He sighed, Sher stops, "sir, ma'am." Sherlock half-turns back towards him, then apparently decides he can’t be bothered and continues up the steps. Inside, he pulls back the curtain obscuring the passenger seating and we walk into the aisle. The lighting is very low and it’s hard to see. There are people sitting in almost all the seats but none of them is moving or speaking or showing any signs of life at all. We walk forward and looks more closely at the nearest passengers. An overhead light shows more clearly the faces of two men sitting beside each other and we now realises the truth: they are dead. Although they’re not yet showing any signs of decomposition, their skin is very grey and they’ve clearly been dead for some time. He turns and looks to the passengers on the other side of the aisle, turning on another overhead light to get a better view. The man and woman sitting there are also long dead. As he straightens up, realising that everyone on board the plane must be in the same condition, his brother speaks from the other end of the section.

"The Coventry conundrum." Mykie told us. We turn as Mycroft pushes back the curtain and steps through into the cabin. For the first part of the ensuing conversation he talks softly, almost as if out of respect for the dead bodies in front of him. "What do you think of my solution?" I looked at him, pissed. Things connected. People came to us asking us to investagte 'missing' dead bodies. "The flight of the dead."

"The plane blows up mid-air. Mission accomplished for the terrorists. Hundreds of casualties, but nobody dies." Sher explains.

"Neat, don't you think?" Mycroft asked.

"Neat? This is the most stupid, disrespectful thing you have done." I told him and he looked at me confused.

"Stupid becuase what if someone saw people bringing the dead bodies on board who was working for the person and reported back to their boss canceling the bomb anyway. Disrespectful becuase well, it's really obvious. No respect for the dead, Mycroft?" I asked him rhetorically but he knew he screwed up when I used his full first name instead of calling him Mykie, even Sher knew I was pissed.

"We ran a similar project with the Germans a while back, though I believe one of our passengers didn’t make the flight." Mycroft told us. "But that’s the deceased for you – late, in every sense of the word."

"How's the plane going to fly?" Sher asled before answering himself, "Of course: unmanned aircraft. Hardly new."

"It doesn’t fly. It will never fly. This entire project is cancelled. The terrorist cells have been informed that we know about the bomb. We can’t fool them now. We’ve lost everything. One fragment of one email, and months and years of planning finished." Mycroft sighedd.

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