The Final Problem Part 2

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"Sam, I can't." John told me, handing me the gun. I took it with slight hesitation.

"I am very very sorry." I told the Governor.

"You're forgiven." He told me, I then aimed it at his head and fired the bullet. Then he was dead, on the ground and everyone looked at me with wide eyes

"I may have been a hacker but that doesn't mean I don't have blood on my hands." I told them as I felt a tear fall from my face, I quickly wiped my face with my hand.

"I can't say I am surprised." Eurus said, "You are Queenie for a reason."

"All right, there you go. You got what you wanted he's dead." I told her with the soulless tone of my Queenie persona.

"Dead or alive  he really wasn't very interesting, but you four, you four were wonderful. Thank you." Eurus said. "This is an experiment. There will be rigour. Queenie, hand the gun to Sherlock. It's his turn next."

"What if I don't want the gun?" Sher asked.

"Oh, the gun is intended as a mercy." She told us.

"For whom?" Sher asked.

"You." She answered.

"How so?" Sher asked as I handed him the gun.

"If someone else had to die, would you really want to do it with your bare hands? It would waste valuable time." She told him. He took the gun and I tuned out what she was saying as we walked into the next room. The walls looked blood covered but it was only paint.

"Someone's been redecorating." Sher commented.

"Is that allowed?" John asked.

"I don't think she really cares. I mean she did take over the whole place." I commented, sarcastically.

"Barely dry. Recent." Mycroft deduced as we walked around the glass table.

"It's for our benefit." Sher deduced. The door behind us slid shut and the TV turns on.

"As a motivator to your continued co-operation, I'm now reconnecting you." Eurus said and the light went red and my brother appeared on the screen.

"Fasten your seat belts! It's gonna be a bumpy night." Jim said in his phony American voice. Then we were connected back to the little girl.

"Are-are you still there?" The little girl asked.

"Yes, hello?" Sherlock asked, "Hello. We're still here. Can you hear us?"

"Yes." The little girl said.

"Everything's gonna be all right. I just need you to tell me where you are. Outside, is it day or night?" Sher asked.

"Night." She answered.

"That certainly narrows it down to half the planet." Mycroft sassed.

"Well, at least it's not the whole planet." I sassed back.

"What kind of a plane are you on?" Sher asked her as he glared at Mycroft and I.

"Um, I don't know." She answered.

"Sweetie, is the plan big or small?" I asked in a motherly voice.

"Big." She answered.

"Lots of people on it?" John asked.

"Lots and lots, but they're all asleep. I can't wake them up." She said.

"Where did you take off from?" Sher asked.

"Even the driver's asleep." She told us.

"No, I understand; but where did you come from? Where did the plane take off?" He asked.

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