Carl Powers

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"Who are you?" Sally Donovan asked.

"Samara Finley. Sherlock's childhood best friend." I awnsered.

"There's two of them?" Sally said in almost terror, "Oh god." I ignored that comment........ For now. Sherlock turns on the phone and, super-quick, keys in a retrieval code.
He puts the phone on speaker mode

"You have one new message." The phone says.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

"That’s it?" John asked.

"No, that’s not it." Sherlock sighed.

"What the hell are we supposed to
make of that? An estate agent’s
photo and the bloody Greenwich
pips!" Lestrade asked. The photo was of 221c Baker street. I had a slight panic attack, worried about my computer. It has very sensitive information on it.

"It's a warning." Sher said grimly.

"A warning?" John asked.

"Some secret societies used to send
dried Melon seeds. Orange pips.
Things like that. Five pips!
They’re warning us that it’s going
to happen again." He said then realising, "I’ve seen this place before!"

"Hang on. What’s going to happen
again?" John asked.

"Boom!" Sherlock said as we ran out the door.

Baker Street.............

On the cab ride I opened the locket Sherlock gave me all those years ago. It still had the same photo in it but there was a note in it. I opened it and it read:

Sister dear,
Let's play a game. Let's play war. Let us play at midnight and maybe your knight in shining armor will live.

I have said it before and I'll say it again. I hate my half-brother. "Sam, what's wrong?" Sher asked.

"I'll tell you later." I sighed putting the note back into the locket and snapping it shut. We got to Baker street and we all got out. We walked into the building to the door of 221C Baker Street.

"Mrs. Hudson!" Sherlock shouted.

"What is it, Sherlock?" Mrs. Hudson asked as she walked out of her flat.

"I need the key to 221C." He told her. She got her keys and came out.

"He had a look, didn’t you,
Sherlock, when you first came to
see about the flat? I can’t get
anyone interested in it. Well, except Sam. The damp I expect. It’s the curse of basements." Mrs. Hudson rambled. Sherlock pressed his head to the door.  "I had a place once, when I was
first married, black mould all up
the walls, it was like a weight on
your chest -" She was then cut off by Sherlock.

"Door’s been opened. Recently." Sherlock said.

"No. Can’t have been. This is the
only key." She told him. "And Sam hasn't looked at the flat yet." Sherlock then took the key from her and unlocked the door. We all walked downstairs except Mrs. Hudson. It was shoes.

"Shoes?" John asked.

"Battered trainers." I mumbled. Then the pink phone rang. Sher awmsered it.

"Hello?" Sherlock said.

"Hello sexy. Hello sister." said a crying woman and all eyes snapped to me.

"Who is this?" Sher asked the woman.

"I’ve sent you...a little puzzle...just to say...hi. Dear sister...... I hope you like..... What I returned.......get ready for war." She said.

"Who’s talking? Are you crying?" Sher asked.

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