John and Mary, Husband and Wife

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Happy Birthday to our favorite consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes.

Lunch with Mary..........

We met at the hospital cafeteria becuase she was on break. We sat in a back corner table, wanting privacy to talk about certain top secret things. First thing I asked when we sat down was, "What happened?"

"Their dead. The last mission we went on was right after you left. We were all kidnapped and tourtured. I was the only one who made it out alive." Mary told me and my hand covered my mouth. "Where is your hard drive?"

"Safety deposit box here in London." I told her. "Sherlock doesn't know, neither does John."

"Good. John can never know about this." She told me.

"Neither can Sherlock." I replied to her.

"Anyway, that's not why I asked you here. I wanted to know if you would be my Maid of Honor?" She asked me.

"I would love to, 'Mary'" I smiled.

The day of the wedding........
221B Baker Street.................

As the Maid of Honor I had to be there early to help Mary get ready for her big day. I got ready at the flat but just time to see Sherlock dancing. I love Mary but Lilac is not my color. Next thing I knew I was dancing with my boyfriend. "You look....... Stunning." He told me.

"Thank you, Sher but Lilac is not my color." I told him.

"On the contrary, you still look good in it." He told me.

"Anyway, I have to go help Mary get ready for the wedding." I told him, "I love you, Sher."

"I love you too, Sam." As he then kissed me before I left.

"Into battle then." I whispered to myself.

The Church................
After the ceremony...

The doors to the church open as Mary and John walk out with Sher and I following. "Congratulations! Okay, hold it there – I wanna get this shot of the newlyweds." The photographer said, I led Sherlock by his hand to get out of the picture.

"You look good in that suit." I told my boyfriend. All he did was smirk. Then it was Sherlock and I's turn as Maid of Honor and Best Man. It was a nice photo, I made the photographer show me it by telling him, "I'll see the pictures either way, either I hack you or you show me. Either way I see the photos." When I saw the photo Sher wasn't even looking at the camera, he was looking at me, I smiled at that. It was a loving look and I am happy that moment is frozen in time.

Now, I wasn't obligated to help greet guests with the couple and Sher but I could and I was going to becuase I had already made sure every thing was ready. Thing is I was there for Sherlock's 'guest interviews' as I like to call them. He showed a kid pictures of a dead bodies but it was weird to see how well Sher is with kids. Which brought up the question in my mind: Will Sherlock and I ever have kids or even be married or will it be this dating relationship untill we are well into our eighties and we die? But my favorite guest interview was David. That was funny. After the greetings Sher and I stood deducing the crowd.

"Lestrade's wife is cheating on him again." I told Sher.

"Yes, with the PE teacher, still." Sher added.

"It's weird how much Tom is trying to look like you, it's actually creepy." I told him.

"I can agree whole heartedly with that." He sighed, looking at the guy with disapproval.

"You pull it off better though." I told him, kissing his cheek.

Mary's POV................

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