The Caller

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Even though I personally hate Valentine's day I am going to give you guys another chapter

221B Baker Street............
Next Day........................

We were listening to client who had a boring case for us, I knew Sherlock wasn't going to take it but what surprised me was the two detectives that were standing on the other side of the door of our flat. Lestrade and Hopkins; Hopkins is starting to come here for cases almost as much as Lestrade is and I believe Lestrade is getting jealous because of it. I knew Sherlock didn't care about any of the other cases right now because he was still trying to figure out the case of the broken Thatchers, will I tell him about Ajay? Eventually when the time is right, I will.

Since my last talk with Mary, I have scheduled for Ajay and I to meet tomorrow morning but I told Sherlock that I was meeting an old friend for breakfast which is true but I just didn't mention from which time, is it a friend from Sher and I's school days, which would be impossible because it was only Sher and I as friend, was it around the time when i was living with the trash bag, was it the time when I faked my death or was it when Sherlock faked his death? H won't know until it's the right time.

I almost hadn't realized John replaced himself with a balloon. I was mainly tuning this client out because this was too easy and honestly at the moment I didn't care because I was too focused about my meeting with Ajay in the morning. Would he reason with Mary or would he side against her and still want to kill her? Because of that I decided to take one of my specially made Kevlar  jackets over to her, she may have pissed me off for shooting Sherlock but I can't stand the idea of Rosie growing up without Mary, without her mom or dad for that matter. I grew up without a dad and he turned out to be insane but that is because my family is full of criminals. "What is that?" Sherlock asked John, wide-eyed staring at the balloon.

"That is ... me. Well, it's a me-substitute." John told Sher.

"Don't be so hard on yourself.You know I value your little contributions." Sher looked at John. I mean Sher does value him, why else would he vow to protect John and his family.

"Yeah? It's been there since nine this morning." John said from the kitchen.

"Has it? Where were you?" Sher asked confused.

"He was helping Mrs Hudson with her Sudoku." I answered for him.

"What about my girlfriend?" Mr Kingsley asked.

"What?" Sher asked, confused.

"You said I had an ex." The client told him.

"You've got a Japanese tattoo in the crook of your elbow in the name 'Akako.'It's obvious you've tried to have it removed." Sher began.

"But surely that means I wanna forget her, not that I'm indifferent." The client to him, trying to find a flaw in Sher's deductions.

 "If she'd really hurt your feelings, you would have had the word obliterated, but the first attempt wasn't successful and you haven't tried again, so it seems you can live with the slightly blurred memory of Akako, hence the indifference." Sher told him. Then the client holds his hands up and laughs before saying something.

"Sorry. I-I thought you'd done something clever." He told Sher, and everyone looked at him. "No, no. Ah, but now you've explained it, it's dead simple, innit?" John's mouth twitched into a smile and Sher takes a long breath and I was biting my tongue.

"I've withheld this information from you until now, Mr Kingsley, but I think it's time you knew the truth." Sher began and I knew what Sher did.

"What d'you mean?" He asked.

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