The Rough Reality

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The Rough Reality.

Hey guys I am going to be real and brutally honest with you. So grab you a cup of coffee and let's do this!

Being a Christian is ROUGH!

I know lots of people think that once you are a Christian, life is easy. That is FALSE! Being a Christian, is tough. Depression, is a real and is a killer. Temptation, is real and is hard to stop. Mental illnesses, chronic illness, and cancer, are all real and very hard to go through. So once you are a Christian, life doesn't get easier. But you do have God who is always on your side. Being a Christian is rough but so worth it.

I know on here I try to sound positive and uplifting. I am sorry if I have seemed fake. I just want you guys to know, that my life is a mess. Currently I am battling: fibromyalgia, ulcers, and depression. I am not doing good. I am just trying to make it day by day. But some days my pain from fibromyalgia is so bad that I can't even take a shower or get off the couch. It's bad and I am not okay.

But what I do know is: God is always with me. I know He is helping me through this. He is here by my side, holding my hand.

God is always by YOU! He is help YOU through this. He is here by YOU, holding your hand.

The point of this devotional is to show you: being a Christian is rough, showing you that I am not okay, giving you hope that being a Christian is worth it, and letting you know that God is always with you.

The rough reality is: being a Christian is tough and I am not okay. I wanted to be open and honest with you guys to how life really is and how I am really doing.

If you guys enjoyed this, let me know and I will write more devotions like this.

Thank you for reading. I love you.

-xoxo Caty❤️

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