Tips And Tricks For Surviving The Holidays When You Are Struggling

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Tips and Tricks For Surviving The Holidays When You Are Struggling

Right now, Christmas is almost here which means for some people: "the most wonderful time of year!" But others struggling with stress, mental illness, chronic illness, or just struggling with anything, it can feel like: "the most stressful time of the year!" Here are my tips and tricks for surviving the holidays when you are struggling:

1. Take care of YOU

When the holidays are here, we can get so busy getting gifts and taking care of everyone but ourselves. We need to remember to take care of ourselves. We need to take time to use self care: take a bath, write, read, relax, rest, and just be kind to ourselves. When you are struggling, the last thing you need is for you to be hard on yourself so GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! BE NICE TO YOURSELF!

2. Have fun!

Be sure to have some fun! Play a board game with your family, watch a Christmas movie, read, take a nap, and just be sure to have some fun. It's Christmas break, enjoy it!

3. Spend time with God

Sometimes in the chaos of the holidays we forget about the real reason for the season: JESUS! Take some time and read your Bible and pray. Remember that we are celebrating the birth of baby Jesus, so even when we are struggling we can always be thankful and grateful for Jesus.

4. Praise God for Jesus! Happy birthday Jesus!

Sometimes we get so focused on our problems we forget to praise God for Jesus and all the blessings in our lives. I will do this with you to, write down all the things you are thankful for and praise God for those things (Even if you can't think of many things to be thankful for, you always put Jesus and Jesus is always enough.)

5. Show love and be kind

Christmas is the season of giving and if you can't give people money you can always show love, be kind, and spend time with them. Reach out to someone and help them. Let's be a light in this world for Jesus!


"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"But God commend his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that love is born of God, and know God." 1 John 4:7


Dear God,

Help me this Christmas season to take care of myself, have fun, spend time with you, praise you for Jesus, help me show love and kindness to others. Help me fix my eyes not on my problems but focus my eyes on you. Help me be thankful and grateful for all my many blessings.

I thank you for all my many blessings and for Your Son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


Hey beautiful! I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading. I love you so much❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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