Framing Our Forever

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"Hello everyone, I'm Lauren Michaels," I grinned towards the camera.

"And I'm Matt Copeland."

"You're watching Seahawks TV. So Matt, how was your weekend?" I asked smiling towards him.

"It was great," he replied.

We went on for several minutes before ending the show. Thankfully, today wasn't a long show, most of our show was put towards the homecoming theme presentation. This year's homecoming was going to be on a cruise ship, it's seriously epic! We film the entire week's morning news on Mondays so we don't have to get up early every morning.

Matt and I have been the anchors since freshman year and it's where our friendship really began. Our parents had been friends for years and we all used to live next door to each other so Matt and I would always play outside together, but we weren't as close as we are now.



"So are you and Bailey doing anything tonight?" I asked him smirking.

"I broke up with her last night," he responded.

"And you didn't tell me until now?" I faked being hurt.

"So you wanna hang out tonight?" He asked smiling. "We can watch that show you like on Netflix."

"Only if you bring the snacks," I called out walking away from him to go to my next class.



"Have you met the new foreign exchange student?" Alex asked me in a hushed tone as she twirled her pen around her fingers. I've never been able to do that. I've tried many times and failed miserably.

"Which one?" I whispered back looking up from my book.

"The hot German one!" She replied a little too loud.

"Alexandria Stevens, quiet means quiet!" Our teacher, Mrs. Hetland, hissed.

"Sorry," Alex replied making a face once Hetland turned around.

After letting out a small giggle, my phone lightly buzzed on the desk, the screen lighting up saying I had a new text message from Alex.

"Marco ;)"

I looked up at her and laughed quietly then began responding to her. "doesn't he play football??"

"yup, he's the kicker person thingy"

I chuckled at her small vocabulary of football. I knew everything about it, only because of Matt of course, but still I've gone to every single one of the school's games. "hotness." After seeing that it sent, I locked my phone and then continued to read my assignment.

Once class was over, Alex and I were walking outside the classroom into the hallway when I saw Bailey and her clique.

"I mean, we just decided that we should take a break, because you know the saying if you love it, let it go. I mean I'm in love with Matt, so I had to let him go." God she is such an airhead.

"Oh, I'm in love," Alex mocked as we made our way to the lockers.

"And like oh my god, Matthew Copeland is like so hot," I said with a valley girl accent as I twirled my hair for effect.

"Last night I like told him that I'm like in love with him," Alex replied also with an accent.

"I just wish I could like have like sex with him, or like at least see him you know like naked," I said laughing.

"Well you could've just said something," Matt said behind me, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Shut up Matt," I said rolling my eyes.

"What's going on?" Scott asked walking up.

"She finally admitted to wanting to have sex with me," Matt said.

"Dude finally! I always said you and him would look so hot together," Scott said.

"Well good luck with that happening, he's like my brother. Plus our parents are friends so we've taken baths together." I said grinning.

"You've seen each other naked?" Alex and Scott both asked in sync.

"Yeah, the last time we've been like totally naked was probably in like sixth grade. Yeah, cause I got boobs that year," I said nodding my head.

"What about like now?" Scott asked raising his eyebrows.

"Um, I've been in just bra and underwear, and I've seen him in just boxers," I replied.

"Uh no, I've saw your boobs like three months ago, during the summer," Matt corrected me.

"Oh yeah, huh?"

"And I saw you in the shower like two nights ago," he added.

"Same here."

"You guys have a very strange relationship. Why don't you just become like friends with benefits?" Scott suggested.

"It'd be weird," I replied scrunching up my nose.

"Besides we've already tried it."

"What? Don't lie!" I screeched.



We were those type of people where the guy would wrestle with the girl over nothing, it was just fun for him. Right now I was sitting against the couch, like a big blob. Matt was lying in between my legs, his head is really heavy.

"Matt, your head is like on my crotch, can you like move?" I asked.

"No, I'm going back to my mom," he said making me crack up. His head lifted and fell back down making me groan in pain. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! Do you want to hit me?"

I threw my arm, but missed and tried again and he laughed from the pain.

"Okay, there's two things down there, don't go for the long one."

"I'm sowry," I said pouting my lip.

"Wait, come here, I gotta tell you a secret," he said pulling me closer.

"No, you're gonna spit in my ear," I whined.

"No, I promise. Okay, so," he said in a whisper, then I felt a wet thing go in my ear and out.

"You suck," I said and he laughed.

He put his arm around me and I lied my head down on him and ended up falling asleep.

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