Chapter 23 - London's Schools Equal too far Away

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As I was walking down the football field, many wolf whistles were coming from behind me. Ugh, boys are so immature. To try and make things better between Matt and me, I decided to start going to Matt's football practice.

Even though it was the end of October, I was wearing a Tara Jarmon white skirt, a grey spot print long sleeve sweater, mint green leather Saint Laurent Classic Tribute 105 heels, and a Rebecca Minkoff mini quilted affair shoulder bag. My hair was in casual curls and I had a nude crème based eye shadow on with a light pink lip gloss.

"Hey Lauren," a guy named Chris said and I turned around and said hello. "Do you know what this shirt is made of? Boyfriend material."

"Get lost Chris, I already have a boyfriend," I replied rolling my eyes then turned on my heels. "Are you okay?" I asked Matt who looked like he wanted to sock a guy.

"How many guys just hit on you?" He asked, his jaw clenching and I noticed his knuckles were turning white.

"It doesn't matter, Matt," I responded putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah it does. Guys are fucking hitting on my girlfriend! I have a right to know who it is," he said taking my hands off.

"Matt, calm down! I already told all of them off. Don't get fucking pissed about it!" I exclaimed crossing my arms in front of me.

"Well I'm already fucking pissed!"

"Well get your shit together! You're eating at my place tonight remember?" I questioned and stormed off to the bleachers.



"Hi Matt, it's good to see you," Miranda said pulling him into a hug.

"Hi. Hi Ellie," he said giving her a hug.

"Matt," my dad said in a somewhat rude manner.

Oh great, this dinner is going to be awesome.



"So Clarissa, have you decided on your major yet?" Miranda questioned. Yup, this is what we've ended up at. This was the most awkward time in my life.

"Uh yeah, I think I'm going to go with fashion design. I actually applied to CSM, RCA, and Parsons."

"What?" I exclaimed shocked. "Two of those are in London, Clarissa!"


"You want to move to London?" I asked. Why was I the only one who was freaked out about this?

"It's a great place to live, and they have the best fashion design schools there, Lauren," she said coldly.

"Whatever," I said and stood up from my chair and threw my napkin on the table.

"Excuse us," Matt said and I could just see my dad's angry eyes following him up the stairs.



"Did you know we live 5.4 miles away from each other?" Matt asked while he stroked my hair.

"No," I said laughing. "That seems like something a sadist would know."

"Well I am a sadist, is that a deal breaker?" He questioned chuckling.

"Shut up," I said shoving him lightly.

"Can I kiss you?"


It wasn't just a sweet kiss it ended up being us making out. I guess I don't like classy either.

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