Chapter 31 - Happy November

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Happy November. Best way to spend hungover. It makes everything even more special. Ha, not!

I woke up to the sound of a vacuum and I realized I wasn't dressed in my costume from last night. Oh my god, did I have sex? Oh god oh god oh god!!!

Climbing out of bed, I was relieved to see that I had on a bra and underwear under shorts and what looked like Matt's shirt.

Walking down the stairs, I pulled my hair into probably the messiest bun in the history of messy buns. The vacuuming sound grew louder as I descended.

"Now that's an adorable sight," I said looking at Matt in his boxers as he vacuumed my living room.

"Hey," he said turning the vacuum off.

"So I was thinking we could go see a movie and I'll call the housekeeping company and they could clean this up. I want to spend time with you since I'm going to LA tomorrow," I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Sounds good to me," Matt replied instantly. Yeah, he's not much of one to clean.

"Okay, I'll call them. I'm going to take a really nice and long, hot shower to try and get rid of this hangover. Meet you down here in an hour?" I asked and Matt agreed.

Before I went back upstairs, I took 3 ibuprofens and grabbed a Smart Water from my fridge. Aww, I got a little fishy. That's one of my favorite things in the world, finding out what animal I got in my water bottle. The little dolphin one is so cute!

Stripping of my clothes, and Matt's shirt, I walked into my shower and turned the water on. I cleaned my body and started to shampoo my hair.

"Babe?" Matt asked walking into my bathroom.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked with a shriek as I peeked around the edge of my shower.

"I needed my stuff," he explained taking his toothbrush, deodorant, and cologne. "Can I join you?"

"Shut up!" I exclaimed laughing.



Hmm, chick flick or horror? Ooh, this is a tough one. Well, Matt already said he thought About Time looked stupid so I guess its Carrie. I never watched the original one. I wonder if that one's better than the new one.

"Have you decided yet?" Matt asked impatiently.

"Yeah, the Rachel McAdams one," I replied grabbing his hand and he groaned and started to throw a mini-tantrum. "Holy shit, calm down. I got tickets for Carrie."

"Oh okay," Matt said shrugging.

"God, you're such a little kid. I feel like I'm taking my six year old son to the movies for good report cards," I said rolling my eyes.

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