Female Two: Adela Clio (Emlouisaxo) -DEAD-

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Name: Adela Clio

Age At Death: 17

Year Of Death: 2010

Gender: Female

Appearance: Adela wasn't the most attractive of people growing up, but that never really bothered her. Her brown hair was always in ringlets which fell just below her shoulders, though her eyes were her favourite part; a stunning blue which she inherited from her mother. She didn't have any noticeable curves, and neither was she the slimmest of people, though she did make up for both of those with her considerable height difference between herself and Livina.

Personality: If you knew Adela, then you will know her to have a heart of gold. She would do anything for the people that she cares about and she hates to see the people that she loves in pain, she will bring pain to anyone who hurts the ones she loves. She is the person that people go to when they need help and she will always listen to people, even if she happens to be having a bad day herself. Her problem is that she is too nice for her own good and she doesn't have the ability to be a bitch, even if they deserve it or she should give them a taste of their own medicine; she was basically the perfect daughter and it was impossible for people not to love her.

Background: Adela and Livina were the first born children of the family and, as such, were spoilt rotten as children; neither of them went without and always had far more than they needed. When they started school, that's when the differences began to shine through - Adela was the sensible twin who completed all of her work on time, scored highly on all of her tests and never put a toe out of line. However, in comparison, Livina was a complete party animal who wasn't interested in learning nor was she interested in actually passing school. It was at that point where her parents stopped funding her and kicked her out of the house. Two weeks later, Adela was discovered stabbed to death in her bed by her younger brother with Livina laughing her head off in the corner of the room; she showed absolutely no remorse for her actions.

How They Died: As Adela slept her twin sister, Livina, murdered her using the knife which Livina had stolen from their father.

Reason For Participating: To this day she hates what her sister did and doesn't really understand why she did. Adela wishes to wreak her revenge on her twin for, firstly, murdering her, and then secondly to stop the pain which Livina caused by murdering her in the first place.


- She is determined. Though Adela may not be much to the eye, she is extremely determined and she will never give up; even if she knows continuing to fight is pointless.

- She knows exactly what she is fighting for and she won't allow anything get in her way of that. If she is going down, then she is going down with one hell of a fight.

- Adela is actually an extremely quick thinker and highly intelligent for her age. If she has an idea then she can quickly put it into motion, even if there's very few sources around her at time time.


- She is far too nice for her own good and it doesn't take much for someone to earn her trust. If someone wants to help her, then she doesn't question their motives nor does she even think they're trying to manipulate her for their own uses.

- When she loses her temper, she doesn't actually know when to stop and will keep going to the point that she ends up taking it overboard; it's even worse since she rarely loses her temper.

- She has a strong hatred for people who think they're better than other people, or people who think violence is always the answer. She can't keep her mouth shut and often ends up bringing trouble both to herself and the people around her.

Weapon Of Choice: Throwing knives.

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