Female Nine: Finnguala "Finn" Conrad (SilverAndGoldfish)

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Name: Finnguala "Finn" Conrad

Age: Twenty-four

Gender: Female

Year of Death: 2012

Appearance: Finn had always been a pretty girl in life, though her looks never really mattered to her except for a few years in junior high. Her strawberry-blonde hair was shorn above her ears once as a teenager and since then, she's kept it that short. Her aqua eyes can't seem to decide whether they're green or blue some days. She's a little shorter than normal height, with a dancer's graceful build. Her extremely pale skin is spattered with light freckles and sunburns rather easily. 

Personality: Finn is a nice girl, to say the least. She loves people and making friends and being social, though she can come off as kind of awkward at times. She has a rather sweet disposition and often seems a bit childish when you first meet her. But Finn is very smart, both book smart and street smart, and had more life experience by her tenth birthday than most people have in their lives. She's a very cultured girl from having lived in so many different places. She's also very creative and artistic. Finn can be a bit mentally fragile and is very emotional at times but she tries to control her emotions. Since her childhood, Finn has been a very skittish and anxious person and often got panicked in unfamiliar or bad situations. Despite this, you could never meet a sweeter or more interesting soul. Death didn't change Finn much, though it made her a little more desperate and a little more driven. 

Background: Finn grew up traveling the world, having a life that never really had roots but was never boring either. Her parents were Irish journalists who raised their daughter in some of the most interesting situations that a young kid could experience, that's for sure. She had visited over twenty countries before her fifth birthday. But as she grew older, she longed for a stable life where she could grow up and have a real life. So at sixteen, she went to live with her family in America. Finn was very into dancing, running, and archery as a teen, as well as film. Finn and Bridie were very close growing up and eventually went to college together. This is where Bridie met her girlfriend and Finn met her future fiancé, another film student named Ryan. When Finn was twenty-two, she was in a car accident that cost her one of her legs from the knee down. After relearning how to do things she loved, things were almost normal again. She graduated college and Ryan proposed to her shortly after. Life was good, for a while. And then she died on her wedding day, January 11, 2014. While Finn didn't mind the afterlife, considering Bridie was there too, she just wanted to go back to her real life. 

How they Died: Finn was on the way to her wedding- she was running late, as always- with Bridie in the passenger seat, as her cousin was too hungover to drive and made Finn drive to her own wedding. Finn was nervous about driving after her accident but didn't want to miss her wedding. Neither of them saw the truck coming, it slammed full force into the side of the car where Bridie was sitting, killing her and the other driver on impact. Finn got to see her cousin's dead body and scream in agony before she finally lost consciousness and died soon after. 

Reason for Participating: She wants her life back, simple as that. She was so close to having her happy ever after and that was torn away from her. She just wants her life back, if it's still there for her.

Strengths: Finn is good with a bow and arrow so she has at least one way to protect herself. She's an agreeable person so she doesn't make enemies very often. From her years of running and dancing, she's grown athletic and has a lot of stamina. Despite her sweet nature, Finn is used to hardships and won't break easily.

Weaknesses: Well Finn has a prosthetic leg, that could kind of be a problem. She's a bit too trusting of people and can't always see past a lie. Finn is an anxious person and gets nervous very easily. Because Finn makes friends so easily, it's hard for her to hurt people she thinks of as friends.

Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrow. When she was a child, she was very into archery as a sport and was very good at it. She won multiple competitions as a teenager and kept going at it until her death. 

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