Female Eleven: Jaelyn Lopez (IcePopAddict)

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Name: Jaelyn Lopez

Age at death: 18

Year of death: 2012

Gender: Female

Appearance: Jaelyn has the kind of look that easily blends into the background. With average height for her age, dark brown hair chopped short for convenience, and a body that isn't repulsive but nowhere near to hourglass, Jaelyn never stands out in a crowd. The only remarkable feature of hers would be her eyes, which are a harsh gray-green that change color slightly often. She is quite muscled due to training, and hence people tend to know that she is quite strong just by looking at her. Her half-Hispanic background has caused her to have darker skin than her mother but be fairer than her father.

Personality: Above all, Jaelyn is determined. She likes to be the ultimate best at everything, and once she sets her mind on a goal she doesn't stop until she accomplishes it. Stubborn and confident, she tends to take no notice of other people's opinions of her and just does her own thing. She is quite awkward around people and likes to work solo at everything. Talking to others is a chore for her, and she prefers to just get actions over with. She loves nature, hiking, and being outdoors in general. More than anything, Jaelyn is a do-first-and-talk-later kind of person.

Background: When she was in the fourth grade, her school had an assembly where they met someone who actually climbed Mount. Everest. The experience had inspired her to climb the mountain herself someday. Jaelyn has been homeschooled since she finished middle school once she told her parents that she wanted to climb Everest. They spent years trying to fund her trip and training her, and finally at age eighteen, she was accepted onto an expedition. With a positive outlook on the trip, she trained her ass off to get to the top of Mount Everest and back, and her parents completely supported her decisions. She trained on some less dangerous mountains, and on the day they were about to leave, she felt ready as she would have ever been.

How they died: Jaelyn may have been positive about her upcoming trip, but fate didn't work on her side. About halfway up the mountain, there was an avalanche that killed her and a guide. Death, if possible, made her even more determined to do what killed her. Once she sets her mind on a goal, she never gives up, and this expedition was no exception...

Reason to join: Her reason for participation is obvious. She is going to scale that damn mountain even if it kills her again. (She sort of forgot how long it took her to get even halfway her first time, but she wants the second opportunity more than anything.)

Weapon of choice: She used to fence as a young child so she figures she could still use a light sword decently.


-Determination. Jaelyn hates to give up on anything,  a Hunger Games included. She will never stop until sue gets what she wants. Also she is well aware of what she is good at and is willing to use it to her advantage. Confident in her chances of victory, Jaelyn plans to storm through the Games with a smile on her face.

Ability to deal with adverse situations: Her goal was to climb Everest and she had climbed a few smaller mountains before. She was trained to get through bad weather.

Strength: She worked out a lot while she was alive because  muscle is needed to get to the top of Everest. She is sure it could help her in an arena too.


-Stubbornness. Jaelyn has never been a people person, since she dropped out of high school she never really had a friend. So she tends not to listen to others and argue more than necessary, which isn't a good thing at many times.

-Underestimates others. Jaelyn is so confident in her chances (after all, she did train to climb mountains!) she doesn't even bother to think of what strengths the opponents may have.

-Impracticality. Think of it this way, Jaelyn is participating in this Games so she could climb the world's highest mountain in a day. Now translate that mindset into a Hunger Games and that could really hurt her chances.

Other: Jaelyn's eyesight was a bit of a bitch. She had glasses when she died, but they got smashed to bits by the avalanche

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