Task Two - Blood Runs Thick

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There's an eery sort of peacefulness that hangs over the arena, the kind that can only be associated with death. Something caws in the distance, probably a crow, but no one is around to tell what it is. There are no cameras, no cannons to disturb the peace. There's just a town, long since abandoned by anyone who once called it home.

To the north, on top of the hill overlooking the town, is a church, a graveyard stretching out behind it. A river, too wide for any but the most experienced swimmers to cross it, blocks off the southern side of the arena. Houses, for they can no longer be called homes, stretch from the bottom of the hill, to within a mile of the river. There's a forest to the east, but it quickly grows too dense for anyone to travel through it. The arena stretches to the west for as long as the eye can see.

For a moment, everything, from the river to the graveyard, is still. Then, a church bell resounds through the stillness, birds flutter from their prior positions, and the tributes enter the arena. In sixty seconds the madness will begin.


Your task is to write the Bloodbath of these Games. The tributes are situated towards the middle of the arena in a large clearing. There's a Cornucopia in the middle, filled with supplies and weapons. Although the tributes are dead, they will still need to eat and drink to sustain themselves in the arena. Keep in mind that these tributes have not had an opportunity, and only have the experience with weapons that they had in life.

Six tributes must die in your entry, although your tribute does not have to be the one who killed them. Along with these six deaths, send in two more ballot deaths with your entry. Any entries that don't have a kill list included will not be accepted until a kill list is sent.

The word limit for this task is 1500 words, maximum.

This is due in five days, on Sunday, November 23rd at 10pm GMT. No late entries will be accepted this time.

The ten tributes with the most deaths will go up for votes, and eight will be eliminated. Anyone who does not hand in will go up for votes, and anyone who has not handed in twice will be automatically eliminated. Sponsored tributes will have one death deducted from their total.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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