Task Three - Demons - Entries

119 4 2

Amelia Westwood

Amelia hated the houses. They were dark and creepy and not her caravan. If accommodation was not her caravan or a palace, it was by default already on minus seven stars in Amelia West's ultimate guide. She was sitting on the window sill of the master bedroom, looking out on to the dark town while her new ally, Bryan, was organising the bags. Amelia had literally ran into him after she was escaping from the Roman man, Caesar. She dragged him away, much to both their surprise and they jumped on the roman when he thought they had vanished. Amelia doubted he was dead but they had injured Caesar enough to get away. Neither of them wanted to kill each other, so they formed an alliance. To prevent her doing anything stupid, like getting too attached, Amelia constantly repeated "you have to get back for Sam, you have to get back for Sam" in her head. But Amelia like Bryan, he was sweet enough and reminded her a little of Daniel, her younger brother, so the idea of his death was already becoming painful. 

Glancing to check her newly bandaged shoulder, which she and Bryan managed to remove the bullet from, Amelia suddenly felt a strange sense of unease. Glancing back out the window, Amelia's eyes widend in shock.

"Um, Bryan, would ya come over here a second?" She asked, sounding unsure with her eyes still locked on the view out the window. As Bryan stood beside her, his steely grey eyes stared out the window, Amelia continued with doubt in her voice. "Your seeing this too right? That fog is not normal."

"No, there's something coming out of it. I can't see, it's too dark." Bryan said softly, his brows knotted.

"Wait, is that the Finn girl? Why is she-" Amelia's question died in her throat as Finn's strawberry blonde hair was pulled towards the fog by a hand that looked like it should of gone straight through her. With a wild scream Finn was engulfed by the grey mass and she completely vanished. "Oh-oh my god, what was that?" Cried Amelia, eyes wild, her head flipping from Bryan to the advancing fog.

"I think we should stay in the house. if we shut and bolt all the windows, the fog should stay out." Bryan said quickly, his face drained of colour and eyes wide. He backed away from the window as Amelia hurriedly began to close it, scooping up his own bag and holding Amelia's out for her. "Right, you do the top floor and I'll to the bottom. Then we mee-" Bryan was cut off as a scratching noise became apparent. The duo looked confused as they glanced around, trying to identify the source. Amelia spotted a floorboard in the corner which was disappearing little by little.

She grabbed Bryan's arm as she pointed towards the floorboard which had been picked at so rapidly it was almost all gone. Their bags swung over their shoulders they slowly moved towards the corner of the room, Amelia's sword outstretched and Bryan's knife gripped tightly. The scarring stopped suddenly and the pair held their breath.

As suddenly as the silence had begun, a huge crash rocked the room as a monster burst through the floor boards, sending splinters flying in all directions. It was tall and wide, with sharp barbs on its human limbs and multiple eyes dotting its forehead. A midnight shell adorned random parts of skin while other parts were pale flesh, gory wounds were also painfully apparent.

But as Amelia looked at the creature's face, a wave of pure terror engulfed her. Despite the extra eyes, midnight shell and weeping wounds, her father Jacob West was standing in front of her. She felt sick, why was her dad here and looking like that? She started to breath heavily as the monstrosity with her fathers face stared at the alliance for a moment. "D-Daddy?" Whimpered Amelia as the monster lunged and Bryan pushed her out of the door. He pulled it shut with a bang as the pushed his back into it to keep it closed.

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