Female Seven: Emerson Becker (SilverAndGoldfish)

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Name: Emerson Becker

Age: Twenty-nine

Gender: Female

Year of Death: 2000

Appearance: Emerson has never been the most typically beautiful woman, though she has never really cared about that. Her hair is an earthy brown color and hasn't been trimmed since she was a young girl, she has never attempted to cut it. She's tall compared to most women and lithe, almost catlike, in build. Her face is kind of proud, not classically gorgeous but more pretty in a sharp way. She looks almost hawklike at times but in an interesting way. She's not chubby or fat really, she's a healthy weight despite the roundness her stomach still holds.

Personality: Emerson is a pretty simple woman, having lived a very simple life. While kind, she isn't overly friendly and tends to keep to herself instead of making friends. She's a hard worker and tends to achieve any goal she puts her mind to. While not exactly withdrawn emotionally, she doesn't tend to let her feelings show and doesn't let them rule her choices. She's very observant and this has lead her to be very good at reading people. While she wouldn't call herself a genius, Emerson is very smart. In comparison to her very outgoing husband, she kind of fades into the background. But she doesn't mind; she likes being in the background.

Background: Emerson Becker had a rather simple life. She was born in a small town, the daughter of an accountant and an English teacher. She had an older brother who was more like a second father to her because of their nine year age gap. She grew up to be a very intelligent girl and spent more time reading books than making friends, up until she went to college and came out of her shell a little. She graduated and after some hard work, opened a bakery with her then-fiancée, Sam. They were married when Emerson was twenty-five. A year later, their son Isaac was born. She found out she was pregnant again when Isaac was four.

How they Died: Emerson died giving birth to her daughters, Natalia and Riley.

Reason for Participating: She wants to get back to her daughters and son more than anything. As much as she loves her husband, it's her kids that are driving her to get back home and back to life. She wants a chance to be their mother, even if it's fourteen years too late.

Strengths: She's very observant and thoughtful, which will keep her from making mistakes. She has something back home to keep her going, to keep her fighting. Emerson did a lot of running when she was alive, even won a marathon or two before Isaac was born, so she's in pretty good shape.

Weaknesses: Emerson is too stubborn at times and often can't see past her desire to not give up. She tends to overthink situations sometimes. She isn't the best swimmer, as she was afraid of the water as a child and never really learned to swim.

Weapon of Choice: Knives. She was good with kitchen knives when it came to cooking, why not use them for killing people too?

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