Male Six: Candor Rouse (AverageEverdayHero)

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Name: Candor Rouse
Age: 17
Year of death: 2012
Appearance: He has dirty blonde hair, warm, chocolate, brown eyes, and a light-hearted smile that exposes dimples on the sides of his cheeks.  He's built like a football/rugby player with broad shoulders, and athletic build overall, his height is a basic 5'10, and his confident posture makes him look taller then he really is.
Personality: Candor used to be jaunty, ebullient, and light hearted to the maximum extent anyone could truly be. He was boldly confident, and optimistic as they come. His blithe personality annoyed people at times, and he lacked the ability to feel empathy, not for being heartless, but rather too joyous. However, that was then. Nowadays, Candor is withdrawn from his exuberant characteristics, and is a little bit lost in any sense of purpose or identity. He struggles to remember who he was or anything revolving his past life. Despite being lost, Candor is still light hearted, just not to the extent he used to be. He's outgoing and friendly, and will talk to just about anyone, just he's lost the guy he used to be.
Background:  Candor was born to a mother, father, and a older brother. Despite minor family issues, he had the closest to perfect family you would ever see. Throughout middle school and high school, Candor was the guy who was everyone's friend, and was none other than Mr. Popular. He had it all, the gorgeous girlfriend, perfect family, full scholarship and early admission to Princeton, M.V.P of soccer/football, and wasn't hated, just annoying at times. This was until the day of his death. On New Years of 2012, Candor and his older brother, Parker, were double dating with their girlfriends Carissa, and Jaime when it happened. On the streets of New York, the four were at the beach at 11:30pm when 3 strange men in masks came in a black truck without warning. They spotted the four teenagers, and held them at gun point while robbing them of cellphones, cash, and anything they could easily pawn. Originally, the criminals were going to let them go, but after talking amongst themselves over the fact there's various ways of identifying criminals, they decided death was the only solution. To the foursomes shock, Carissa was shot in the head, and the nightmare truly began. The Rouse brothers exchanged looks before attempting to let Jaime escape as they distracted the men. They tackled and wrestled the men to the ground when Parker was shot in the stomach, and Candor was shot in the chest. Jaime escaped unharmed, Parker took a kill shot to the head after being injured in the stomach, Carissa was already dead, and Candor miraculously survived before bleeding to death. In the afterlife, Candor is well aware he's dead, but struggles to remember his past life and relatives. This often leads him to resentment, and frustration over the bits and pieces he can remember, but never piece together. He knows how he died, just not who killed him, where he was, and the motive as to why he died. He's been dead for 2 1/2 years, and has well adapted to the afterlife.
How they died: Bullet to the chest and bled to death.
Reason for participating: He seeks closure and has nothing to lose.
Strengths: Courageous enough to do something reckless and crazy. Athletic, so he can run fast and has agility.
Weaknesses: When he runs he's fast but can only run for a short period of time before getting chest pains, and tiring out. At the most random times he can get chest pains which will distract and slow him down.
Weapon of choice: Anything available.

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