Female Eight: Madeleine O'Neil (EverydayAwkwardness)

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Name: Madeleine O'Neill

Age At Death: Fifteen

Year Of Death: 2013

Gender: Female

Appearance: Madeleine isn't anything special appearance-wise. She has dull brown hair with a few temporary blonde streaks here and there from when her friends were playing with hair styles and coloring. Madeleine has a healthy body, but it doesn't have any of the curves other girls boast about. Really the only feature she prides in is her bright blue eyes that seem almost too big for her face. Apart from that and a small cluster of freckles on her nose, Madeleine isn't much to look at. At least, in her opinion.

Personality: Madeleine is very easily persuaded. To her, the only opinions that matter are others. Her lack of confidence has really showed this year, and it has even led to the loss of a few good friends. Her days felt worse and worse as her parents fights grew more brutal and the amount of schoolwork she had escalated. She wasn't strong enough to get through it all. Or maybe she was, but Madeleine surely didn't think so.

Background: You could say Madeleine is depressed. Her family went through a brutal divorce that year and she was having a tough time juggling that, her first year of high school, and consolidating her younger siblings. She just has too much on her plate right now. And it shows. Before death, her stress levels were at its peak, and her only way out of it all was an even darker pit. She resulted to a blade, thinking it would help her escape and forget all that's happening in her life. All she did, however, was cut a major vein in her wrist.

How They Died: Madeleine cut herself too deep and severed an important vein in her wrist.

Reasons For Participating: Madeleine regrets the decision she made that day. She wants to go back to give her younger brother and sister the strength to get through her parents divorce and tell them that everything will be okay.

Strengths: Although Madeleine may not seem like one of these kinds of people, once she wants something, she'll go to the end of the Earth to get it. She very dedicated and has a good understand of what's right and wrong.

Weaknesses: She's dreadfully shy and has a horrible self esteem. Madeleine has also never been in a fight and has no intention of hurting anyone to get back to her family. She's already caused herself too much pain.

Weapon Of Choice: Madeleine refuses to kill or hurt anyone. Nope. She won't and can't. Not after what she did it herself that day.

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