Female Six: Izzy Gorlia (redtipedrose)

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Name: Izzy Gorlia

Age of death: 13

Year of death: 1692

Gender: Female

Appearance: Izzy looks her age. She has her hair reaches her back. The thing is that her hair is always dripping with water matter how hot it is or how dry the weather is. Since her hair is always wet it looks black even though it is really brown. Her eyes are a bright blue color that usually pops out. Izzy stands at 5'2 and if you look closely, you can see a faint scar on her neck.

Personality: Izzy was a child at the heart with no care in the world. She always wanted to help people and was basically one for peace. Her playfulness always made her busy playing with the other kids. When Izzy died she changed. Her happiness became slightly more of insanity. She started going more of a wild person and being alone without contact with anyone for 322 years. She now is just a person that hates herself and just wants her humanity back.

Background: Izzy was born in the 1600's when witch craft was believed in and looked down upon. She was a joyful child that everyone loved. She would help the farmers harvest their crops and would help the bakers cook. Her favorite passion was healing people. She learned at a young age what herbs should be used for what and how to treat injuries. She loved knowing that she could use her skills to save a life. One day a man got suspicious of Izzy and claimed she was a witch. Quite a few people protested and said she was not, but there were more people believing she was. So they did a witch trial and Izzy was found guilty. They then tied a weight around her neck and pushed her into the water. Izzy tried in vain to get back to the surface, but she wasn't able to and she died. At first Izzy didn't know she died. She thought that everyone was ignoring her. It wasn't until she tried to open her house door and her hand went through the handle did she realize. She tried to stay strong and not break down, but slowly, bit by bit she started to go crazy. When she called out to someone, they never answer. When she tries to grab something, she just goes through it. After 300 years she was just a wild spirit lost of hope and insane. On her 322 year of being dead she heard of a place where she can become human again for a day and Izzy instantly signed up.
How they Died: Was drowned in water with a weight hanging from her neck by rope.

Reason for participating: After being dead for so long and forgotten because she died so long. I guess you could say that she is going to get famous in one day, and after being a spirit or ghost if you will, you learn how to do that in a day. Also, she forgot how it feels to be human after being dead for so long. She just wants her humanity back.

Strengths: Izzy was a spirit long enough to learn and understand how to survive or keep alive. She also worked with medical herbs and knows what is safe and not. Izzy knows how to act. She can imitate a lot of sound almost perfectly. So that will be good for scaring off people.

Weaknesses: Fears water that is bigger then a small puddle since she died drowning. Lost part of her humanity so she is a little more animalistic and wild then a normal spirit. Since she never really had anyone on the other side, she is bad at talking or communicating with others.

Weapons of choice: Axes and claws.

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