Semi Finals - Funeral Crashing

106 5 2

Those chimes that the remaining tributes are familiar with now, for one of the last times, strikes once again - well, three more times. Those three chimes seem to last forever as the tributes are reminded of how close to life they are.

And of how easy it is for their opportunity to slip away from them, the way that the opportunity slipped away from Lily Heartcilia, Bryan Carter and Hrothgar Sheafson.

The five that remain in the arena can't help but think of how they would react if their loved ones were to see them right now. How would they feel if their families, their partners, their friends, everyone important to them was to see how they were doing. Not on a miniature screen somewhere, but up close, face to face. Personal.

How would they react if the people that mattered were at their funeral?

And what if each tribute had the opportunity to witness their own death party?


Your task is to write about your tribute witnessing their own funeral. How many people are there is completely up to you, as is everything else. What are the people wearing? Who makes the most important speech? Who cries the most?

This task is the equivalent of a family interview in a normal situation. Except, we feel like it would be much more fulfilling to see your tributes - and those important to them - breaking down and showing their emotions at their finest. Or at their worst - take that as you will.

No other tributes are to die in your entry. The people who advance to the finals won't depend on kills - the gamemakers will choose two people to receive byes and the other four tributes will be up for votes.

This task is due in six days, on 21st December at 10pm GMT.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour!

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