Female Three: Elizabeth Clarke (rushofjoy) -DEAD-

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Name: Elizabeth Clarke

Age at Death: 16

Year of Death: 1692

Gender: Female

Appearance: Elizabeth was tall and fair-skinned. Her black hair and green eyes stood out against her white bonnet. She had freckles, and burns all over her skin from her execution.

Personality: Elizabeth used to be happy and cheerful, until the trials started. She suddenly turned sour, which she still feels like in death. However, one prominent thought is that of revenge.

Background: Elizabeth grew up in the town of Salem, where the witch trials happened. Her parents raised her to be extremely religious. When the trials started, Elizabeth became reserved, leading some to accuse her of witchcraft. She was tried and found guilty. Her execution involved burning at the stake, which she died from. Now, in the afterlife, she feels calm, but slightly unsettled, because what she wants is revenge on the people of Salem. She wants them to pay for what they did. Even though they are dead now, she knows their descendants, and she will hunt them down and kill them.

How they died: Burning at the stake.

Reason for Participating: Revenge. Ultimate revenge.

Strengths: Elizabeth still has traces of a sweet, innocent girl, which lures people in. She is highly intelligent, and she can move with great agility.

Weaknesses: Elizabeth has a terrible temper, she is horrible at camouflage, and she isn't strong.

Weapon of choice: A poker, preferably a flaming hot one.

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