Special Awards!

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It's just about time for us to wrap up these Games, but first, we've got to give out the rest of the awards. Thanks to everyone who made these Games great, and know that it was pretty hard to decide who would win some of these awards. Let's get the awards started!

Best Character:
This award goes to a tribute instantly loved by all of the Gamemakers, and by many of the other competitors. A combination of excellent writing, and a unique timeframe nobody else decided to capture, made this tribute stand out immediately. Congratulations Hrothgar Sheafson!
Runner Up: Finn Conrad

Best Name:
Names are perhaps the most important part of a character. The first impression of the tribute, as well as something that can further characterize, what's a tribute without a great name? Both the winner and the runner-up for this award had great names, that will be forever associated with that character. Congratulations to Candor Rouse, the winner of the Best Name award!
Runner Up: Hrothgar Sheafson

Gone Too Soon:
Every Games seems to have at least one tribute who is eliminated way too early. This Games was no exception, and had a ton of excellent tributes who were eliminated far too early, even if it was only because they didn't hand in. In fact, we could only decide who should win this award based on who was eliminated earliest! Congratulations to Emerson Becker for winning this award!
Runners Up: Bryan Carter and Hrothgar Sheafson

Dark Horse:
Along with tributes who are eliminated too early, there are always a few tributes who, deservedly, manage to go from task to task, seemingly without being noticed. These Games were as full of dark horses as they were with tributes who seemed to be eliminated too soon. The winner of this award was the tribute who made it the farthest without being sponsored. Congratulations Heather Trenson!
Runner Up: Jaelyn Lopez

Best Entry:
Perhaps this is the most important award in a writing contest. It was incredibly hard to decide which entry was the best, and not just because we had to read through every single entry! The winner of the best entry award showed remarkable effort in each entry, and seemed to grow in each. It only makes sense that Candor Rouse should win for his Semifinals Entry! Congratulations Candor!

Runner Up: Hrothgar Sheafson - Task One

That wraps up the Special Awards! Make sure to get your votes for Finals in, as it's closer than ever, and stick around to see who wins in two hours!

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