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Christchurch hospital
Dallas, Texas

Loud wails and screams filled the small white room.

My hands shook violently as I tried to wipe the tears and sweat off of my face.

This is all so wrong.

I don't know what to do.

I hate that I have to decide.

My family or this little baby girl.

She looks so precious.


But I have three other daughters at home, along with a loving husband.


Why did I do this?!

"Mrs DeLaGarza?" A female nurse slowly stumbles next to my bed, holding a Nokia phone in her hand with a nervous look upon her face. "A man who claims to be the father of the child is on the phone and would like to talk to you." She mumbles, seemingly nervous.

"Give it to me." I grumble, taking the phone from her sweaty hand.

"Dianna?" I hear his voice.

"What?" I hiss.

"Whatever you do with this child, please have me in the picture." His pleading voice was the last thing I expected to hear.

"Y-you want the baby?" I ask, utterly shocked.

"More than anything." The sincerity in his voice gave me hope he could raise my baby girl better than I am currently capable of doing.

"Come down to Christchurch Hospital, now." My thumb presses down on the red telephone icon, making the call end.

I'm not abandoning her, just giving her a better chance to live.

It's the right choice...

For now.


-5 years later-

"Daddy?" I fiddle with the hem of my pink dress, scared that he'd be angered I interrupted him from whatever he's doing.

"Yes?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of the computer screen.

"Uhm... we were talking about family in class today and- where's my mommy?" I ask curiously.

Every child described how their families consist of two parents, maybe some siblings, grandparents, aunts, cousins, and many more.

I just have Daddy.

No one else.

"Oh- Uhm... your mommy is- is in a better place..." he muttered, seemingly tense.

"And where's that?" I ask.

Why aren't I with her?

Or why isn't she with us?

"I- I don't know sweetheart but she's happy." He quickly flashed me a smile.

"W-without me?" I ask, my lip starting to tremble.

"I-Uhm. I need to go baby girl, work. Be back soon, okay?" He quickly gathered his things and ran out of the house.

"Are you happy without me?" I whisper, a tear rolling down my cheek.


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