Baby Girl

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| • Chapter 24- Baby Girl • |


"Amelia!" My head shot up at the loudness of the voice screaming my name.

"Huh?" I mumble as the bright light blinded me.

"Have you really been asleep this whole lesson?" As my vision starts to clear up, I look around in confusion.


I'm in class?

But Demi and Mo-

"Amelia, sweetheart, are you okay?" The teacher asks as she kneels down to my level.

"I- uhm- I n-need to go." I stutter, feeling more panicked than ever.

As I exit the classroom, I immediately took my phone. I press on my contacts but don't see Demi's name anywhere on there.

"What the fuck?"






Where are all their numbers?

This isn't happening.

I wanted to run home but miraculously forgot which way to head.


I run to the office and rush to one of the ladies.

"Sorry, Miss, could I call my mom please?" I beg desperately.

"Amelia?" She questions and I nod as she types my name into her computer. "Nope, sorry, only have your Father, Jackson." She shrugs, walking away.

This isn't happening.

-Flash back-

"I don't want you t-to leave me again." I whimper into her chest.

"I'm not leaving you baby girl, I'll be back sooner than you think." Demi whispers in my ear, running her fingers through my hair.

"But I already miss you." I cry out.

"Look..." She sighs, pulling away before taking off her neckless with a heart on it. "Keep this on you at all times, that's how you'll know I'm always here, maybe not physically but in your heart." She clips the necklace on to me as I grab the little heart tightly into my fist.

"I love you Demi-bear." I peck her cheek making her smile.

"I love you more sweet girl."

-End of flashback-

I reach up to my neck but find nothing there.

This isn't real.

So it was all a dream?

Mom really is dead?

Overwhelmed, I run blindly, not having an actual destination.

I stop running when I reach the roof of the building.

Life isn't worth living.

I'm crazy.

I don't know what's real and what's fake.

I'm not living but suffering everyday, not doing any good to the world, just a plain burden.

I sit on the edge, my legs dangled twenty metres above the ground.

Looking down, I see a big black car driving into the parking lot, a frantic woman comes out and looks up at me.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I take my last deep breath before pushing off.




I evilly came up with the ending so... yep...

If you'd like to check out personal accounts?:
We haven't actually properly started our sequel... so you'll be left hanging for a LONG time.

❤️💞❤️LOVE US❤️💞❤️


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