You Were Dead

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| • Chapter 18 - You Were Dead • |

walk-in' out of town, looking for a better place


My mind was fuzzy as I felt like I was suffocating at the news as if it was a wave crashing down on my unsuspecting body.


She was my mother.

No. I killed my mother.

My vision was blurring faster and faster as no oxygen was entering my lungs. Demi wasn't much better as I could feel her pulse from simply hugging her.

Her hand was on the back of my head, and resting on the small of my back as I sobbed and pleaded for her to just take me home.

Take me some place where this pain didn't exist.

Where this betrayal wasn't happening.

"C-Calm down, baby. You're okay." Demi promised through her own anxiety. It seemed as if her body had shut down yet her mind was just running on instinctual behavior.

As my hysteria grew worse, Demi slid her back down the wall and that was when I saw the tears falling from her own eyes just as rapidly as my own fell from my eyes. She grabbed my hands and pulled me down, onto her lap as she then picked her knees up and trapped me between her legs and chest.

I laid my face in her neck, and that's when she broke.

Sobs escaped her mouth as she held me tightly to her, swaying from side to side.

My life's been effected so much by somethings that had been a lie the entire time.

I had been ready to take my own life, because I had believed I deserved nothing more after being the reason for my mother's death.

One lie had caused everything I've ever known to be overwhelming sadness.

One lie had even the result of flipping my life and creating havoc.

This lie had made me the frail and breakable girl that I am who currently clings to somebody else for support.

"It's okay." Demi muttered between rounds of cries.

"I tried to kill myself." I blubbered on and on, over and over again, and Demi was again brought into hysterics as she remembered the call just a few weeks ago.

As I remembered the call just a few weeks ago.

"Girls, I know you're upset, but the both of you need to stop crying. Can you do that for me?"

I felt Demi's hair move and I only assumed that Eddie had brushed it out of her face as I had both heard and felt him kneel down beside the both of us.

Demi, regained herself quickly, I on the other hand couldn't find strength in my heart to stop crying.

My whole life I had been lied too.

I had sat out in the corner on Mother's Day whilst other kids made their mother's letters and pictures.

I never had any memories of ever having a female role in my life, because I had killed my mother. That's what happened.

"Mila, its okay. It's okay." Demi whispered softly and she rocked the two of us back and forth and smothered my hair again as she held me securely to her body in reassurance that she wasn't going anywhere.

Demi ran her fingers through my hair, and when she felt like I had regained myself enough, she pulled my head from her neck gently and looked me in the eyes, cupping my cheeks in her hands.

She pecked my forehead, nose, and then lips gently, her skin barely even touching my own. She still looked like a complete mess, but the two of us were calm enough to be able to listen to our mother explain the story softly.



One-Night Stand.



That's all I really got from the story, but it was all so agonizing to listen to my mother go on and on about how I was the product of a drunken one night stand, and the second I was in my father's custody he changed all contact information.

He had intended for me to never see her again. Yet he lied to me.

He lied to me and ruined my life.

This was his fault, not my mother's.

She was so fucking strong.

I stumbled into her arms and began to cry again, digging my face into her neck.

"He told me you were dead." I sobbed.

Dianna sucked in a deep, shaky breath.

"I'm not dead, baby girl. Mommy's here."

Mommy's here.

That's all I've ever wanted to here.

And honestly it feels better then I ever imagined it could feel.


Madison's shrill scream sounded through the house before she appeared at the bottom of the stairs with my prized and most demonic possession in her hand.


She's found the blade.

I've already microwaved a non-microwaveable bowl today hoping for a reaction, so if that doesn't tell you how my life is going atm I don't know what will. Ya know, if somebody wants to do my homework for me that would be greatly appreciated.

Oof, so Madison found the blade. Did you expect that?

What do you think Amelia's reaction is going to be?

- Kyr

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