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| • Chapter 16 - Call • |

Wanna feel alive,
Outside I can fight my fear


It's been about a week now. Dianna's just the same as she was before though, and it's slowly starting to get worse.

Dallas and Demi are leaving frequently with work, leaving me here with people I'm not at all comfortable with. I didn't want to seem clingy as Demi already calls me her little leach, but at the same time, I needed her.

Dianna and Eddie have been fighting frequently and I can't help but feel like I'm to blame, but every time Demi catches me with my nose tilted to the floor she brings us to her room, and gives me the same five minute speech about how it is not my fault, and how I'm perfect, beautiful, and worth life.

I can't help but feel like this is all my fault.

"You've been quiet, today." Dallas pointed out as we ate dinner. Dianna and Eddie tense beside each other.

Dianna's odd behavior towards me had now transferred to Eddie who refused to even make eye-contact.

"I've had a lot to think about." I exclaimed to Dallas, shrugging my shoulders and going back to the chicken nuggets.

Yes, chicken nuggets.

"Like what? Boys?" Madison wiggled her eyebrows, causing me to give her a glare and kick her shin underneath the table.

"No. Tests you idiot. Not everyone is obsessed with every boy they see." I smiled small at her as she flipped her hair off of her shoulder.

I was not thinking about tests at all.

"I'm not obsessed with every boy I see." Madison smiled widely at her statement which was the prompt of many eye rolls.

"Sure." Dallas mused as Demi and I laughed, my dear friend somehow managing to choke on water whilst laughing.

Dianna and Eddie gave each other harsh glares which attracted all of our attention, and I once again had felt all the positive and teasing energy drain from my body at the thought of somehow being the cause for all of this tension.

"Um, my Dad's calling me." I said softly before scurrying away from the table with my buzzing phone in hand.

My heart was palpating with possible scenarios as to why he would be calling me. He has never once called me whilst away on business. It's always a random text, usually only ever telling me about his stay whether it'd be longer or shorter than initially anticipated.

"Hi, Dad."

"Amelia, why are you not in school?"

"I'm staying with Demi and her family. I was alone and she offered. I've transferred to online schooling. If that's alright? I'm sorry for not asking sooner, it's just I thought you would be too busy to deal with my childish problems." I pleaded with my father to not blow up at me for not telling him something so huge, but all he did was let out a grumbling sigh.

"You cannot just make your own decisions like you know what is best for your future. You will not be successful when you are not motivated in a proper setting."

"Dad I was really overwhelmed there—"

"You cannot avoid the real world, what makes you think School should be any different? Are you just going to stay at home when you feel too overwhelmed?" He grilled making tears prickle my eyes at his insensitively towards my mental disadvantage. He never took my anxiety seriously until I had panic attacks that left me on the verge of passing out.

"I don't do well in uncontrollable environments—"

"Whatever, Amelia, I have to go."

And with that he hung up and I was left on the verge of tears, but I pushed all my feelings back and rejoined the family in the dinning room, feeling more out of place than ever.

"You aren't very good at choosing where to have a phone call." Madison exclaimed and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Should have known he didn't want to call for anything good anyways." I mumbled.

"What were you talking about? Uncontrollable environments?"

"He asked why I wasn't going to school, basically telling me that I had to stop using my anxiety as an excuse to get out of things because I'm never going to be successful if I continue to be a pussy and hide." I summed up my whole life story in only a few sentences and Dallas and Demi frowned deeply. Dianna looked crushed and Eddie angered.

"He told you that?" Demi growled.

"He tells me that all the time. I've been avoiding telling him of the panic attacks I have in the bathrooms, because he believes I choose to let myself get overworked. I don't know. For a man who runs a company he's pretty fucking dumb." I grumbled.

"He has his head stuck up his ass." Dallas exclaimed.

"That too."

— —

After dinner was cleared and everyone was off doing their own thing, Dallas left and went back home, and Demi had gone out to a late night studio session that she wasn't particularly thrilled about.

Something however was wrong as loud yelling was echoing from downstairs. The walls and large space between me and the fight prevented me from coherently hearing anything that was being said, but it was still prominent enough that I knew it was Dianna and Eddie.

However, another sound lingered in my ears.


Madison and I were the only two people home besides the arguing adults so she had to have been the one crying hysterically.

I grabbed my phone just Incase, and moseyed over to her room pushing the door open to reveal a sight that I wasn't at all expecting to see.

Madison was doubled over herself crying, holding her hands over her ears. She looked mortified as her eyes snapped towards me once the door was pushed open.

I approached her bed, laying my phone by her pillow but I jumped back when she began to yell.

"It's all your fault! You just show up and they start fighting! Yelling like Patrick! Ugh! You did this. They hate each other!" Madison rambled on and on, telling me what I already knew.

This is my fault.

It always will be my fault.

Everything in life is always my fault.

Ohhh, shits going down in the next couple of chapters like for real, for real. Like some secrets are spilled, people are confronted, what do you think happens?

- Kyr

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