Little Leach

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| • Chapter 13 - Little Leach • |

Heart made of glass,
My mind of stone


"Demi, hold my hand." I whispered harshly to the woman who was laughing at my nervous stature. The girl finally cracked as I pouted up at her, and grabbed my hand bouncing up and down.

"Dallas has been hounding me for weeks now, so don't think anything of her peppiness. She's just excited. She's like a dog whose owners just came home." Demi smiled at me softly as I nodded nervously and clung onto her side.

I was never good at meeting new people.

I smiled softly but didn't laugh as Demi knew I would have. She frowned softly, and kissed my head opening her front door and smiling at the sweet aroma of chocolate.

"Don't burn it, dumbass!"

Demi laughed loudly, announcing our arrival to her house, and suddenly two girls were running towards me. I clutched Demi's shirt material, wiggling my cheek against the side of her ribs.

"Awe, hi." I'm assuming Dallas cooed as she seemed older then the other girl, and was definitely excited about my arrival.

"Hi." I tried to say it back, but it came out a soft whisper that even I could barely hear. Dallas smiled small at me, while Demi rubbed my back.

"Madison get your ass in here! You can't just leave me with the cake!" I'm assuming Logan was yelling and Madison burst out laughing and ran towards the continuously yelling girl.

"You're such a leach, babe." Demi laughed softly, brushing her fingers through my hair as I finally pulled away from her and let go of her hand.

"So you were the birthday girl." Dallas smiled at me as I nodded my head. "Any cool gifts?"

"Concert tickets." I exclaimed making the two of them laugh.

"Nothing else? No awesome poster? Phone case?"

"I don't like a lot of things. I own two pairs of shoes." I told Dallas just to prove my point. "That and I kind of got in trouble for giving everything I got for my seventh birthday to good will after I ran away."

Demi and Dallas laughed a shockingly similar laugh, luring out two new faces.

"You ran away?!"

"I was mad because I didn't get a puppy and I wanted a puppy." I said like she was just supposed to have gathered that information, but I knew she couldn't have been able too. I'm predictable, but not that predictable.

"So you must be, Amelia." I'm assuming Eddie told me as he seemed to be the only man in the house, and Madison strikingly resembled him.

"She's peanut!" Demi smiled proudly as I rolled my eyes, but a smile broke my face at the nickname.

I should have never told her my true height. I should have just let her assume I was close to reaching five foot.

"Yes, I'm Amelia." I said and elbowed Demi, who again laughed at my reaction.

"Nice bandaids." Dallas pointed to my multicolored fingers as Dianna stood tense and mute beside her beaming husband.

"Demi made me put them on." I grumbled.

Demi cocked a challenging eyebrow at me, and I instantly shut my mouth and balled up my hands to hide the adhesive tape.

"Damn Dem—"

"Damn Daniel!" Logan and Madison came out of the kitchen, holding a large rectangular chocolate cake.

"Where are you going with that cake?" I asked as Madison laughed harder.

"Duh, were gonna go eat it at the park and yell at Thomas. Come with us!" She demanded, grabbing my hand as she walked past me.

"You'll be fine, stop worrying, go have fun. God you are such a leach." Demi repeated as she shooed me out with Madison and Logan, laughing loudly as I could hear her even through the wooden front door.


"We're back!" Madison yelled as we came inside all loudly laughing and snickering at the events that just occurred. Water dropped down our bodies in large puddles, which was part of our snickering. Logan and I had decided that rather then seeking shelter it would be a good idea to run around in the very rare Cali rain, only I got cold and sick easily, and this rain was the temperature of actually ice as I forgot it is still only March.

"What the hell did you guys do?!" Dallas laughed as we all walked into the living room and dropped down into pieces of furnishing. I plopped down by Demi's side, and cuddled into her, laying my head on her chest as goosebumps continued to arise without fault.

"You guys are going to ruin the couches." Eddie exclaimed.

"No we aren't. Stop lying." Madison rolled her eyes while he just laughed at her. "You just want to avoid having to carefully select your seating arrangement when the game comes on."

"Your freezing, Mia." Demi gasped.

"It's not that cold." Logan exclaimed as her wet hair laid on her shoulders, "even when wet." She laughed softly as I glared at her.

"You have goosebumps on top of goosebumps! Is that even possible?" Dallas asked as she grabbed my arm from the side of me.

"Clearly." I mused. She rolled her eyes at my response but Eddie and everyone else started to laugh.

Everyone except Dianna.

I felt like I had done something wrong, and that was the last thing I wanted.

Are you all liking Demi and Amelia's relationship? What do you think her relationship with Dallas and Madison is gonna be like? How about Dianna and Eddie?

- Kyr

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