On The Line

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| • Chapter 9 - On The Line • |

Isn't it lovely, all alone? Heart made of glass my mind of stone


"Hello?" Her face, free of makeup popped up on the screen, a small smile playing on her cherry painted lips.

"D-Demi?" I choke, my camera finally loading, letting her see me as the trembling mess that I currently am.

"Oh Jesus, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asks concerned, leaning her face into the screen more as if that would somehow help her.

"P-please help m-me." I plead, begging her over and over again in complete hysterics. I don't want to do this. I know I shouldn't do this. But if somebody doesn't help me, I'm going to end up doing it anyways.

"Of course, but what's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?" She asks, her gaze moving around the screen as if she could see around me and possibly gather clues.

"I-I don't want to do it anymore." I whisper, biting down on my lip.

"Do what, sweet girl?" She asks softly, although we both knew she knew my meaning.

"I'm just so tired Demi!" I exclaim. "I killed her! I fucking killed her! I don't deserve to live. I don't want to live. I'm so tired Demi." I whimper.

"You know that wouldn't solve anything." Her soft eyes glaze over as her lips form in a thin line. Her freckles are clearer now due to the contrast of red lines building in her eyes, showing me just how upset I had made her.

"But it would!" I exclaim. "Dad wouldn't feel obliged to buy me things to make up for not actually being a dad, I wouldn't embarrass my friends, you wouldn't be on call with me right now dealing with my problems! Don't you see all I ever do is cause trouble? I killed my momma, Demi." I whisper. "I don't deserve to live." I shake my head.

"But you do! Don't you know that's a sign?" She asks as I look at her confused. "God kept you alive for a reason, 'Mila."

"What's that reason?" I ask, their is nothing good about my existence on this planet. Clearly he made a fatal mistake in keeping me alive.

"We'll find that out but by leaving, you'd hurt so many people 'Mila." She informs me gently, her own voice wavering in sadness. "Your dad, me, your friends at school, your classmates, your whole family! Do you really think your mom would want you to go?" Demi asks hesitantly, her eyes clamping shut before she opened them again.

"I just feel like it was all a mistake, I should've been the one dead. She should've made it out alive, not me." I cry softly, "I'm not benefiting anybody else's life."

"God doesn't make mistakes baby girl. He may make weird decisions but he never makes mistakes, everything happens for a reason and if you weren't meant to be here, you wouldn't be talking to me right now. You wouldn't make me smile from just thinking about you and you're cute face." She explains softly.

"'Melia, princess, I'm coming in." I hear my dad state from the other side of the door. He had been knocking for the past ten minutes and I'm sure he's just gotten impatient by now.

I sigh and wipe my face, removing any evidence of crying that I could. My eyes were swollen and red, but thankfully no tracks of weakness were left on my cheeks.

Demi frowned as I'm sure she noticed how my posture tightened at even the sound of his voice.

"Thank you." I whisper as Dad approached me and greets Demi softly, making himself comfortable on my bed and lifting an arm to lay around my shoulders.

I just awkwardly sit there, staring at the computer screen, taking in every detail of the video call. Taking in every detail of her.

She must be staying with her family as people keep walking past behind her. Mainly a short, red headed woman with a cloth in her hand.

"Demi you were meant to help Madison-"

"Hello, Dianna." My father smiled tightly. The women behind Demi gasped softly as she came closer to the laptop I'm assuming. Demi smiled widely motioning for her mother to sit beside her.


"You guys know each other?" Demi asked, her beautiful brown eyes shimmering with unshed tears that were slowly drying.

"We go back, darling." Jackson said softly, "now my little bug, will you tell me why you ran home?"

I grumbled at his nickname, knowing he was only showing out because of the two new eyes watching us.

"No." I grumbled crossing my arms over my chest and completely ignoring the sad frown that filled his face.

"Amelia, I now have to deal with raging teachers on top of my trip. You will tell me why you ran home crying." He said harshly.

I shook my head, tears falling again.

"Jackson, she's just had a hard day at school. Some kids have been rude to her and she did the right thing. She didn't act on there comments, or do anything irrational. You should be immensely proud of her." Demi spoke up for me, but the fact that she was proud of me made my entire body light with happiness. I didn't know why her praise had this affect on me.

"Who was it, Amelia? We can handle that, but you can't just go running out of class."

"You wouldn't have come to get me." I whispered. "You'd say it was stupid. That you didn't know, that we already went over the fact that my mother is dead."

"I get it, Dad. I killed her. I don't want to talk about it anymore." I whispered a tear falling from my eye as I made eye-contact with Demi.

"I'll talk to you soon, Dems. I'm sorry I called you." I whispered as yet another tear fell.

"Hey, no sweetheart wait—"

I closed my laptop, ending the call and facing my father who did the first time looked genuinely sorry for my life situation.

Well, guess what, I'm sorry for my life situation too.

I think it's safe to say that even if we don't post on the designated day we will get around to posting at least once a week😂 sorry it's been so crazy with updates, our lives have been crazy. But happy holidays, and if I got any birthday buddies out there #December26th😂 happy birthday because trust me we're legit always forgotten

- Kyr

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