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| • Chapter 7- Misunderstood • |

Need a place to hide but I can't find one near...


The next Monday came around all too soon for my liking. My mind was still buzzing from what happened just before we left, and the white paper was still sitting in my phone case despite the black lettering having been transferred into my phones contacts.

I slipped on the jumper I had gotten, and then a pair of Adidas joggers, thankful for the chilly weather that allowed for me to hide my mistakes of Friday afternoon.

I slid on a simple pair of black converse and tied my hair into a ponytail, adding just enough makeup to cover the bags and redness of my face.

Another night spent crying so hard I made myself sick.

Another night spent crying over my mother who I killed.

Another night spent with the urging desire to just end it all and save everyone the pain and suffering I create by simply being alive.

I grabbed my backpack, making a promise to myself that I wouldn't allow for Jace to steal my homework today; That today was my fresh start, or in the words of my idol: 'Today is a brand new day. I'm changing up my ways.'

I sped down the stairs when my phone blared and I realized that I was five minutes behind schedule.

My mind was somewhere far awa-I really need to stop quoting camp rock songs, but Demi's still on my mind, on repeat like a broken record as she tells me I'm stronger then they make me believe. I don't believe her. I can't believe her.

"Hey, honey."

I stopped, dead in my tracks when I saw my father making a cup of coffee in his satin blue robe, not an ounce of product in his quickly greying hair, and no expensive suit clinging to his body.

"Hi, Dad."

"I was thinking, I'll drive you to school today." He smiled widely, and I almost smiled back until I realized that he was trying to make up for something. Maybe it was for not wishing me a happy birthday, or even not being home at all. But, I had a feeling it wasn't that.

"When are you leaving this time?" I sighed.

I don't know why it still affects me. It's not like he's ever home and attentive anyways.

"Tomorrow. I'll pick you up from school today too. It'll be me and you tonight." He smiled.

It should be me and you every night.

"Sounds good, Dad."

Ugh, today is going to be so unnecessarily long.

It's hardly been two hours, yet Amber and Jace will not shut up about how I embarrassed them. It's this, and that, and somehow they've managed to bring up three other concerts as well, not even stopping to realize all that I do for them.

"You are such a freak, Amelia! I don't understand how anyone could be so fucked up like you!" Jace exclaimed.

"All you're good for is your money." Destiny said what I already knew. They were using me, but dropping them would mean that I'm am actually alone.

"Seriously! If you had a fucking Mom, maybe you would know how to not be so idiotic!" Amber yelled and all the color in my face drained.

Destiny looked shocked, but Jace instantly agreed with Amber and started going on and on about something I couldn't hear.


I don't have a mom.

I killed my mom.

I deserve to fucking die!

I'm a bloody murderer!

I got up, bolting out of the cafeteria, tears streaming down my face as I ignored the teachers yelling after me and the blaring school alarm.

She's right.

They're all right.

I don't deserve to live. I killed my mom. I take my wealth for granted. I'm stupid. I'm immature. I don't deserve this life at all. I deserve pain and poverty.

"'Mils? Why are you ho-?"

I ran past my father, beginning to hyperventilate as I collapsed on my bed. I threw my phone beside me trying to figure out how I could do it.

I had given up my only blade.

I had no access to pills.

I'm not tall enough to hang a rope.


I dissolved into sobs all over again. I needed her. She seemed to be like my only option to vent. Or rather have somebody who cares.

Grabbing my MacBook, I quickly logged in, crying when I thankfully saw her contact information had been auto transferred.

Demi Lovato.



Please fucking answer.

She's going to hate me for calling.

She's probably busy.

I- please just answer I'm about to do something I know I shouldn't.



Thank god.


It's been 84 years my dudes, Kyrstin and I are so shit at updating but oh well, what can you do?😂

Maybe, just maybe, they'll be an extra update. MAYBE.


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