Me To You

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| • Chapter 10 - Me To You • |

walking out of town,
looking for a better place


The next morning, my body just randomly decided it was fully rested at three in the morning, and my day had to start now.

I sighed as I untangled myself from the cocoon of blankets, and fell onto the hard wood floors.

Standing up, I admired my room for all that it had to offer. Unlike the rest of my house, my room was the single place that truly reflected me. The walls were bare, a plain grey coloring with a few white shelves that were decorated with fake planted decor and a few books I had actually taken the time to read.

My bed was large and white, a loft type I guess, I mean I had a few stairs climbing onto it but I was too impatient to actually find my right footing in the morning, and instead just slid down from the mattress.

The windows that lined the side of my room were all extremely large, much to my liking. I adore windows, they just allow for so much light without the added money of an electricity bill. And, I have a beautiful view of a mountain range not that far away in the California Valley.

The wall across from my bed has a white desk, decorated with small silver embellishments like a desk lamp, and my silver MacBook. What I truly love however is the white bulletin board covered in a beautiful array of photographs from all around the California areas.

My room was exactly me. And it was the only place I was ever allowed to express myself without judgement from anyone but me. None of my 'friends' had ever been up here, and my father is never home for long enough to really ruin the safeness of this space.

I wiggled the mouse around on my computer, alerting anybody else who was on, that I was now awake and live. I clicked on Spotify, and continued to stream Top Pop Hits.

"You're up already?"

I jumped as I saw my father in the doorway, my heart almost combusting at the thought of him possibly being a complete stranger lurking in my house.


"Well, I don't leave until eight. I'll drop you at school."

Of course you will. Why would you ever take me with you? I doubt you even know what my middle name is anymore.

"Sure." I smiled small at him, not barring any teeth and instead just twitching the corners of my mouth up.

He smiled taking my answer as a good thing, and leaving my room without further questioning.

I sighed, one day he's going to wake the fuck up.

I walked to my closet, pulling out a pair of Adidas joggers and a black crop top. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, and called it a day, sliding my trusty black converse onto my feet.

Walking out of my closet, I was slightly confused as to why it showed that Demi was calling at four in the morning, but I accepted it anyways, clicking the circular green button.

It very clearly wasn't Demi who was portrayed on the screen, instead a red-headed women, the same one from yesterday who has apparently known my Dad for ages.

"Hi?" I asked shyly.

Her eyes filled with tears, but nothing was said about the liquid filling her eyes.

"Hi, sweetheart. Can I talk to your father?"

"Um, he's getting ready to go on a business holiday, but I'll see if he can talk." I said gently as she nodded.

I left my room, moseying down the hallway and into his room.

"Dad? Dianna wants to talk to you." I said before walking back to my room, not really expecting him to follow me like he did.

He's already paying this lady more attention then he normally pays me!

"You can step out, bug." He told me as if dismissing an employee from the working office. I rolled my eyes and left the two, although being confused by the demand, I didn't close my door all the way, and listened in on my oblivious father and his apparent friend.

"What Dianna?"

"Is that her?"

I couldn't see my father, but I guessed that he had nodded in response to her question as she was soon asking another one.

"Can I meet her?"

"Dianna, it's been thirteen years. I'm going on holiday. We don't have time right now." He exclaimed snappily.

"Can I at least check up on her seeing as you apparently never bring her along. She's just a kid, Jackson." Dianna's voice cracked. "This is exactly what leads to abandonment issues, and that is not something you are prepared to deal with."

"She is fine, Dianna. She's been staying home since she was five with a nanny. At thirteen I'm sure she's capable of looking after herself—"

I walked away, figuring they weren't talking about anything relatively important anymore.

But one question still lingered in my mind now, how did Dianna know me?

Sorry this is late again, maybe another update today? Things have been crazy for both of us recently with it just being the holidays and whatnot.

What do you think is going to happen? Or how do you think Dianna knows Amelia and Jackson?

As always please vote and comment, we love reading your comments

- Kyr

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