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| • Chapter 22 - Death • |

thought I found a way out


I snap out of my dreamless day dream as a loud knock on the door startles everyone sitting at the table.

"I'll get it!" I chirp, grateful I had an excuse to not consume any more food.

I literally feel sick thinking about eating, I don't know why. Maybe a stomach bug or something? It's like I can't even bare to look at food without feeling ill, I've not felt this way in so long and yet now I don't know what the cause is.

Hesitantly, I creek open the entrance door, feeling my blood turn cold at the figure before me.

"Let me in." My father demands with an empty beer bottle in his hand. A bottle that's been chucked at me one to many times in the past thirteen years.

"No, what do you want?" I hiss.

"Listen here, little girl, I need to speak to your mother." He slurs, occasionally spitting at me mid-speech.

"Oh, you mean the one that supposedly died because of me? Isn't she dead, dad?" I ask accusingly.

"Oh, please. Stop being a brat like you are and get your mother." He laughs.

I shut the door only to have him bang on it harder than before making me roll my eyes.

"Who was that?" Mom asked as everyone's eyes curiously glanced at me.

"Jackson." I mumble, sitting back down.

"What did he wa-"

"Open the door!" He shouted through our window, his face red with anger.

"He's gonna' break something in a minute, I'll go sort him out." Eddie begins to stand up but Dianna quickly pushes him back down.

"I'll sort it out, you stay and just look after the girls." She quickly ramble making us all snort at Eddie's face of disbelief.

Yeah, Eddie. Make sure none of us choke and start dancing on the table because that's exactly what 14-30 year olds would do when their parents aren't around.

"'Mila, you done?" Demi asks as her worried gaze fell upon my plate that's barely been touched.

"Yeah, just don't have appetite, might be coming down with something." I reassure making her sigh with relief.

"What did your dad say? You seemed pretty upset." Maddie asks, leaning back in her chair as she rubs her full stomach.

"Just called me a brat but honestly, I don't care what he says, he's drunk anyway." I shrug.

"Drunk?" Eddie asks, alerted.

"Well, yeah." I nod, a little confused at his reaction.

Instantly, I noticed how uncomfortable Dallas and Demi looked at the mention of alcohol.

A little guilty, I went over to both of my parents, seeing how their voices raised and faces creased with anger.

"You kept her away from me and now you expect me to give you the right to see her?"

"You're sick Dianna! All the daughters you brought up, look how fucked up they are! All have fucking mental disabilities and what so not. I won't let you ruin her, Dianna!"

"Excuse me?! How dare you come to my house and blame me for something that is out of anyone's control? Do you really think I'd purposely give them disorders for the fun of it? I fucking tried and I'm still trying the best I can unlike you who doesn't give two shits about Amelia's well being!" Dianna exclaims.

"Oh stop being fucking stupid and- Amelia, pack your stuff, you're coming with me." He's attention quickly goes onto me as I tenderly hid behind Eddie.

"Leave the poor kid out of this." Eddie spits, his muscly arm reaching out to me in a protective manner.

"She's mine, not yours." Jackson laughed, knowing Mom actually cheated on Eddie to have... me.

"I might as well be his." I stand forward, getting more than irritated by his cocky behaviour. Eddie's been anything but nice to me, and he's been present.

"Oh yeah, little brat? I told you, get your bags and come with me! See Dianna, you're making her stupid, she's not listening to commands like she should be."

"Hey, come here baby girl." Demi's voice whispers in my ear, her gentle hands on my shaking shoulder.

"No." I mutter under my breath as the older three continue arguing.

It was all a blur really. One second I was in Demi's embrace, then the next, dad was dragging me by my arm to his car.

"Stop!" I scream as his dirty nails dug into my upper arms.

I look back in hopes of seeing them run after me but my heart drops when I see Dianna, passed out on the floor, an anxious Eddie over her and Demi looking between her mom and I.

"Help!" We share eye contact and she instantly starts to run after me but before she could come and get me, I was thrown into the back seat of his car and he sped away.

I turn in my seat and sob, Demi's frantic figure getting smaller and smaller as the car accelerated.

"Dad, pl-please." I whimper, kicking his seat, in hopes of somehow escaping.

"What were you fucking thinking!?" He shouts, looking at me through the mirror.

"Stop." I whimper, covering my ears.

"She didn't fucking want you! I protected you from that piece of shit and you just run away from me!?" He looked furious and his whole outburst would have me terrified if it wasn't for the big truck heading towards us.

"DAD!" I scream, hiding my head between my knees before everything just disappeared.

Is this what death is like?

Well there's only 2 chapters left so really anything could happen from here. Any predictions? Also, y'all are not ready for anything that's about to come

- Kyr

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