Worried Waters

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| • Chapter 12 - Worried Waters • |

And I hope some day, I make it out of here


Demi giggled as I clutched onto her hand over the center console, eyeing the water beneath the bridge. I didn't really have a problem with heights, or large bodies of water, but something about this particular bridge made me want to cry.

Demi however was finding amusement in my horror, a large smile clinging to her face as she rubs her thumb over the top of my hand in small-semi circles.

"How big is this bridge!" I whined, laying my head back against the seat, pouting my lip out as I looked towards Demi with pleading eyes as if she could somehow snap her fingers and get me out of here if I begged her enough.

"Only a little longer, babes. You should have told me you didn't like bridges and I wouldn't have went this way!" She exclaimed like talking about ones fears was a normal thing to just randomly bring up.

"I like bridges, but this one creeps me out." I whined as Demi laughed and patted my knee like a mother would when she was sarcastically comforting their child. Not that I would know.

"Hey, leave your nails alone." Demi said as I started to pick at the skin subconsciously.

"But I'm bored." I whined.

"It's like I'm driving with a three year old!" Demi threw her hands up making me giggle at her stupidity. But then fear for my life as the car was sitting on the bridge and Demi wasn't controlling the steering wheel. Granted we weren't moving, but still, this lady can hardly drive safely as it is.

"Demi put your hands on the wheel!"

"Do I make you nervous, Mia?!" Demi teased as I nodded eagerly, so done with her child's play.

"Okay, okay, babe, geez don't rip my head off." She giggled before we finally started to move. I still grabbed onto her hand as we returned to the safety of the ground beneath us, and played with the rings on Demi's fingers, making her lips twitch into a small smile.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked as I looked up at her, pulling her hand into my lap.

"Because you're cute."

"No I'm not."

"Honey, you are the cutest little girl ever." She laughed and flicked her blinker on.

"Don't you have your own house? Why are you staying with your parents?"

Demi sighed, "My AC is all messed up and I'm having some renovations done, it's just easier to be completely out of the way."

I nodded my head and looked out of the window.

"I haven't been down in these parts of LA in years." I sighed as I remembered the days my father would drive us down here and we would do touristy things as if we didn't already live in California and knew everything ever tour guide taught.

"It gets kind of boring when you live down here." Demi shrugged before pulling off onto another road and then into a gated development. "I think Madison has Logan over, so don't be alarmed by the loud ass teenagers."

I laughed shaking my head at Demi's words.

"Did you even ask if I could stay over?"

"I'm twenty-four! I don't need to ask! But yes, I asked my Dad, he's cool with it." Demi smiled at me as I nodded. "Hey, you aren't going to be in the way, if that's what your thinking of."

"I don't know. I always am, I don't want to make them mad. I'm complicated—"

"You are not complicated. You're a kid. You shouldn't be expected to just take care of yourself." Demi said cutting me off authoritatively.

Demi found my weakness.

She does this a lot now when I don't shut up and think rationally.

She talks to me like a parent, and as much as I hate the feeling of being reprimanded, I like how she cares enough to step into such a position.

I looked down to my lap because of her tone before the car slowed down to a stop, and she pulled the keys from the ignition.

"Hey, you need to stop getting so shy, babes." Demi laughed softly, "It's nothing against you."

"I don't want you being mad at me though." I frowned at Demi as she cooed.

"Come on, peanut, there's a bunch of people who want to meet the Amelia Faith Peterson."

If only the both of them knew that Amelia wasn't at all who she thought she was.

Tehehehe hi again, so what ya think?

- Kyr

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