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| • Chapter 5- Isolation • |

I hope some day I'll make it out of here,
Even if it takes all night, or a hundred years.


The day has come and I don't know which emotion I'm feeling.

Excitement or dread.

I mean, I love Demi. Her story and everything about her is just so empowering and inspiring but I'm the complete polar opposite.

She is all about recovery while I couldn't care less about my well being.

Then, I feel the dread because obviously, Jace, Destiny and Amber all have to come along, they're my 'friends' after all.

I don't have to act that I'm fine around people as nobody ever really cares but considering Demi is a mental health advocate, the whole arena will be filled with caring people who have happily recovered.

I also don't want to look rude and seem as if I'm not enjoying the show.

This is probably one of the best gifts my father has ever given me but I'm just so tired.

My cheeks hurt from having to fake a smile when peoples uninterested glares fall upon me.

But I'll suffer for tonight.

I have to.


"Oh my God, I'm so excited! We're meeting Demi Lovato!" Destiny squeals as I roll my eyes.

You didn't even know who the fuck she was.

"I know right! Where are we sitting?" Amber asks me, finally noticing I'm also in the limo my father ordered for us tonight.

"We're staying side stage but have meet and greet passes before that." I murmur as they squeal.

"She's pretty hot, think I can get her number?" Jace asks and I never wanted to laugh so badly in my life.

"You go for it." I mumble, pretending to cough, covering up the facts I'm actually laughing.

"Hell yeah." He sits back and spreads his legs.

The journey consisted of the two girl freaking out, pretending to know who Demi is, coming up with stories to tell her to make the two seem 'strong' or make Demi feel bad for them.

Honestly, it made me mad.

I hate when people are so fucking fake for attention.

They're literally joking about mental health for attention.

But what really pissed me off is when Destiny proposed to draw lines on their wrists with red pen then show it to Demi.

I clenched my fists, breathing harder.

This is not gonna' go well.


My 'friends' have already ruined my night by making up plans of how to be remembered by Demi, or how to be special in some kind of way.

It's honestly embarrassing as we have to meet her in a group, not separately.

I look around and sigh.

The arena is filled with people who are already crying with excitement.

I silently walk over to a line of people who are waiting to buy merchandise, leaving the three behind.

Maybe I can just separate myself from them?

But they'll see me backstage.



I walk over to the table and see various items with Demi's face on them.

I pick out a bracelet and a cropped jumper.

Just those two things made me bankrupted.

"Sorry, where's the meet and greet?" I ask one of the security guys.

Maybe I'll make it without the others.

"You need to go to section W which is just around there." He points to the left side of the arena that is filled with mostly teenage girls jumping about and squealing.

"Thank you." I put my head down and walk over to the group.

Some people seemed calm and unbothered, whilst others had Lovatic hearts on their faces and looked as if they were about to pass out.

My anxiety started to rise at the thought of even seeing Demi.

Everything started to slowly sink in and it took everything in me to try and breath at a normal pace.

People started to scream and I noticed the doors begun to open.

"Okay, everyone in a line! No bags, phones, drinks, food, weapons!" Some workers came around and collected various things into trays, making sure we were harmless.

"Hey, why'd you leave us?" I jump at Amber's voice, yet I still stand on my tip toes to see what's going on at the front.

"Hello, are you deaf?" Jace shoved me a little too hard making me stumble back, both of the girls giggle.

I ignore the trio as I notice a metal detector.


I have a blade in my shoe.

What do I do?!

They won't let me through until they find out what's triggering the metal detector.

"Oii, dip shit, we're talking to you." Destiny snorts.

Fucking hell.

I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update, but hopefully we're on track now and we can update regularly

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