Never Alone

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| • Chapter 11 - Never Alone • |

Isn't it lovely,
All alone


Not going to lie, the loneliness has been slowly swallowing me as a whole.

Demi and I mostly text, sometimes call or FaceTime when she has the time, honestly, I've never had someone put so much effort into keeping in touch with me.

What's even more shocking is that the person is Demi Lovato, a busy celebrity with millions of fans who are way more interesting than me.

This just shows how much effort my father puts in to having some kind of relationship with me.

I slightly jump when I hear my phone goes off, meaning I got a message.


Hey baby girl, I'm sorry that this is the way I'm telling you but something happened and I'll be away for two more weeks. I'll get someone to check up on you. Bye.'

Great, just amazing.

I might as well just move out and live alone.

I just can't wait to spend the whole two weeks of my holidays in bed, crying and ripping the hair out of my head.

I may not be on the best terms with my dad but when I know he could be home any second, I have to make sure I'm not doing something I shouldn't be but when I'm alone, without him around, I'm free to do anything.

No one can stop me or my mind from acting upon my urges.

Not anymore, everybody's gone.

And that scares me.

It scares me so fucking much.

I jumped again, the ping of my Dad's text nothing close to the ringing of my computer indicating Demi was calling. The noise was almost as loud as the Texan singer voice.

I didn't try to hide my bleeding scalp, due to my fingernails and the serve and constant picking at my skin, or the tears coating my face. There was no point in hiding.

Demi would know anyways.

She seemed to always know when I was sad, or just wasn't at my highest.

I've never been at my highest.

I've peaked.

But Demi's arms aren't wrapped around me.

She isn't hugging me.

And therefore I am not completely happy with what my life is. I'm sure I never will be. Demi can only replace my mom so much. She can only fill in for my dad so many times.

All I have right now is Demi.

"Hey, peanut. Aw, 'Melia, What's wrong?" Demi asked as my forehead was out of shot and all she could see was the tears pouring rapidly like the Niagara Falls in spring.

"H-He's not coming home, 'Metria."

Melia and Metria.

That was the nicknames we made for each other. She had wanted to be somebody other than Demi Lovato, she wanted to be herself, and during a three am FaceTime call, I had accidentally mispronounced Demetria, and at last her nickname was born.

The nickname that lead her to being my Demi, not just my idol. But my best friend.

"What do you mean he's not coming home, love? Mia can you do me a huge favor and open your front door? I may have already driven to your house." She cheekily implied as I giggled and nodded my head hanging up the call.

Forgetting of the blood on my head, and under my nails, I wandered down my stairs at a faster pace than I have ever moved in my life.

I needed to see her in person.

It had been far too long.

I needed a hug from her.

From anybody really.

But she was the only female role in my life.

I needed a hug from her.


I launched myself at her, wrapping my arms around her neck as I got onto my tippy-toes.

"Hi, peanut!"

I smiled at the nickname as Demi hugged me back, and slowly the two of us eased ourselves back into my house, still intertwined with limbs.

"Hey, 'Mils, What happened?" She asked softly pressing a tender kiss to my forehead that bubbled with blood.

"I pulled my hair to hard." I muttered embarrassed. Demi looked down on me with such love I almost combusted, but she also looked down at me with authority and my heart began to beat faster.

She had put so much time and dedication into my life, and yet I repay her by lying and avoiding telling her when I have urges.

"You know you're supposed to call me when you aren't having a good day, 'Melia."

I looked down at my shoes, but her finger tips lifted my head again, her hands cupping my cheeks so I couldn't move it again.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear an apology, I want to know why you didn't call me."

"I didn't want to bother you. I kept thinking that if my Dad could leave me so easily, there must be something wrong with me. I don't want you to get annoyed and leave me too."

Demi kissed my head softly leading me to sit on the first chair she saw.

"I will never, ever leave you Amelia. I love you too much, and it would hurt for too long. I'm not mad at you baby, but I don't want to lose you. Reaching out only takes three seconds, it takes me an hour to get here. I'm not half-way across the world anymore Amelia, I'm in LA." Demi promised softly.

"I hate being alone here, Demi. I'm free to do whatever I want. And that petrifies me."

"Well, how about if you aren't alone?"


"How about we have a sleepover? My little sister could use a rad new friend, and I would love to cuddle with my little peanut." Demi smiled at me. My eyes widened at the thought.

"I've never had a sleepover before!"

"Well then go get a suitcase, you're staying until your Dad comes back."

My life has never been this good, and Demi's only been in it for a good five minutes.

And it's been the best five minutes of my life.

Heyyooo, soooo y'all might be getting something exciting hahhaha. But yeah, so what do you think of Demi and Amelia's bond? How do you think it's gonna be now that they're together?

- Kyr

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