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| • Chapter 17 - Momma • |

Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near


Tears slowly built up in my eyes before they started to leak down my cheeks once my eyes got too full. My vision was blurry, cloudy like my mind as I tried to navigate my way downstairs, slowly backing away from Madison. I don't know how to comprehend what she's just told me.

For the first time in my life, somebody has told me the truth. She might be mad at me, or sad about the situation, but she still told me the truth and didn't hold back.

That is all that I've ever wanted, the truth, and now that my thoughts have been confirmed I feel ten times worse.

I was now crying fully as tears streamed down my face like a river. My hands were a sign of pure overwhelming emotions as they shook at my sides like earthquakes.

The sight before me was worse than what I had seen Madison like. Dianna and Eddie were stood many shades of red, veins popping from skin, and hands balled at their sides to prevent them from becoming violent.

This is all my fault.

"Go to your—" Eddie began to yell at me to leave, until he saw the tears streaming down my face, and the fact that now my panic was setting in and I realized nothing was stopping them from hurting me like Amber does.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, please don't hurt me!" I shrieked as I backed away from the two of them, my back meeting the wall as I had now cornered myself to much to even look for a possible exit.

Dianna's face melted as she seemed to snap out of her trance and she gazed upon me softly. She slowly stepped forwards, laying a hand on my shoulder as she then brushed my tears from my cheeks.

"Hey, we're sorry we were yelling. You don't have to be scared, Amelia." Dianna spoke to me for the first time since I had been here, and I couldn't help but fall in love with her soothing voice.

"I'm sorry I messed things up." I whispered as Eddie now approached me and laid a hand on Dianna's shoulder.

"Sweetheart you didn't mess anything up." Eddie promised softly, but I didn't believe him.

Madison had even told me that I had ruined them. That they had never fought this way until I showed up.

I was like Buddy the elf in the beginning of the movie, completely unwanted.

"Amelia, I hurt Eddie a lot. That's why he was mad, I made some really bad choices, but it got me something really good. I know that might not make sense, but I promise you, it wasn't you." Dianna said softly as she brushed my hair behind my ear.

"I ruin everything else." I whimpered shamefully as I casted my case down to my feet.

"Hey, you don't ruin anything. Sometimes certain situations just aren't meant to happen. That's all baby girl." Dianna cooed gently.

"My Dad says otherwise."

"He isn't valid to this situation. Come on, sweetheart, we have a lot to talk about." Eddie cooed softly as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the couch where I had first experience this family's tight bond.

Eddie and Dianna sat on either side of me, Dianna however grabbed both of my hand and rubbed her thumbs in circles just like Demi had done.

"Amelia, can you tell me what you know about your mom?" Dianna asked softly and my breath caught in my throat.

"I killed her. She died giving birth to me. That's all I know."

Dianna closed her eyes, and Eddie frowned softly as he reached over me to rub the older women's arm slightly giving her physical courage to say whatever she was about to say.

"You didn't kill your mother, Amelia."

"Then where is she? My Dad told me she died just after I was born." I sniffled and looked down.

"Amelia. I'm your mother."


My head snapped up to see Demi in the doorway.

I did the only logical thing my brain could process.

I ran to my safety item.


I wrapped my arms around her, begging her to take me home. Take me somewhere other than here.

I wanted to leave.

I needed to leave.

And what scares me the most is I'm not sure if I want to leave this house, or I want to leave this world.

It was kinda predictable from the beginning but yeah now we know that Amelia and Demi are sisters😊 I'm pretty sure next chapter is when somebody finds out about her cutting.

Who do you think it is?

- Kyr

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