Chapter 6

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Connor turns back to Laura and says...

C: Look, Laura 2 months ago I would have been all for this but right now there is somebody else who I really care about. I probably have 0 chance with her but if I do this, with you, I may as well give up right now. 

L: I feel like I should be offended by that, but it is just too sweet for me to be angry. 

Connor smiled.

C: Also, I will only be working at Mayo for another month because I am returning to my old job in Chicago. So its unfair to you for us to do this. I really like you and I think we could definitely be friends. I come here a lot for charities and functions with my trust fund and I would love to see you. 

L: Absolutely. Can I ask you one small thing though?

C: Sure. 

L: Could you maybe not tell anyone about what just happened? It is really quite embarrassing for me. 

C: Of course. Goes without saying.

L: Thank you. 

The waiter puts the drinks on the bar and Connor pays with a 100 dollar bill. 

C: Keep the change. 

L: Alright, shall we go back to our booth, get sloshed and proceed to have an awesome night?

C: Sounds perfect. Just what I need. It's been such a long day!

Connor and Laura return to the booth where Helen and Scarlett are sitting and everyone does their shots. And then another round. And another. And another.  Connor wakes up the next morning under a table at the back of the bar. He looks around and sees another 30 or so people passed out in various positions across the floor of the bar. He stumbles up onto his feet and staggers over to the sink behind the counter. He sticks his whole face under the tap and turns it on, gulping at the cool water. The waiter suddenly pops up from behind a chair and looks around confused. He locks eyes with Connor and yells loudly "Hey my man!" 

Connor looks around for somebody to respond but everyone is still out to it. 

C: Are you talking to me? 

Waiter: Yeah dude! Last night was awesome. Thank you.

C: I can see that but why are you thanking me?

Waiter: Oh after you ordered those extra rounds of shots you offered to pay for everyone's drinks for the rest of the night. It kinda all went downhill from there. In a good way though.

C: Oh that's right. I did that.

Waiter: Yup you sure did.

C: Haha. Oh well, I can see that it was worth it. Glad everyone had a good night. Anyone buddy I have to go now but Thank you for letting us party in your bar. And good luck with all this.

Connor grabbed his wallet from behind the bar where he had stashed it last night for safe keeping. 

C: I'll be back next time I'm in the city and we can do this again. I didn't catch your name.

Waiter: It's Mark and you're welcome, I had a blast. Catch ya next time. 

Connor walked outside and was blinded by the bright sunlight, making his hangover feel 1000x worse. He took his phone out his pocket and looked at the time. Shoot its 11 am! Connor ran to the edge of the street and hailed a cab. 

*** 1 MONTH LATER ***

Connors plane was on its descent into Chicago and he was feeling very nervous about his return. Mainly about how Ava would react and about what he was going to say to her. The plane landed on the runway and pulled up to the arrivals gate. The seat belt signed dinged off and Connor stood up and exited the plane with his bag. He stepped off the last step and onto the black asphalt. The familiar cool air of Chicago stung his nose and cheeks and the wind gently ruffled his hair. Connor was finally home.

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