Chapter 28

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*** Later That Day***

 Ava was back at home now with baby Sophia and Connor was still M.I.A. It had been about 7 hours since she had seen or heard from him. Suddenly the front door opened. Ava immediately jumped to her feet. "Oh Thank God" she whispered to herself under her breath. She walked out into the lounge quickly to realize it was only Clare coming over to see the baby. 

A: Fucking hell sis!

Clare: Well that's one hell of a greeting, especially considering I brought you donuts.

A: Oh I'm sorry.

Clare: What is going on?

A: Connor found about what I did to get him to come back. He stormed off and I haven't seen him since about 8 am. I am getting a bit worried.

Clare: A bit? Avey you just swore at me. You have always been good about that. Wanting to be the perfect, role model, big sister.  I mean I get it. I would be worried too. You snuck around, scheming behind his back, revealed you are pregnant with his lovechild, got fat, then forced me onto him as well as a baby he may or may not have wanted and then he found out you have been lying to him for 8 months. Just as Lauren starts really showing some pretty clear intentions to have her way with him and not to mention he is a smart doctor who looks like 'that'. I mean he could have anyone he desires.

Ava was staring blankly at Clare. It was silent for a minute. 


Clare: Oh wow. Yep, your freaking out. 


Clare: Oops.

Ava slumped down on the couch and clutched her head in her hands. Sophia started screaming from the other room. Ava started to cry. 

Clare: Oh sis. I am so sorry. I was only kidding around. You are the bestest person I know and you are just as or even smarter than Connor. And not to mention you are super hot. Besides you know Connor he is a huge softie and loyal as heck. He wouldn't hurt you. 

Ava laughed a little and lifted her head a bit. Her eyes were all puffy and red and her cheeks were wet with tears. Clare wiped them away and then wrapped her arms around Ava.

A: He is hurting me by not being here. 

Clare: He will come back I promise.

A: I'm holding you to that. 

Ava sighed and went to stand up, but Clare pushed her back down. 

Clare: Don't you dare. I got her. You just relax for a minute. 

Clare left and came back a minute later with Sophia in her arms. Ava was sitting there again, hunched over crying into her hands. 

Clare: Oh jeez your killing me here Ava. I can't cope seeing you like this. What can I do?

A: I need to find him. 

Clare: He will come back when he is ready.

A: You don't get it. I NEED him. I don't want to be alone.

Clare: Woah... then what the fuckity am I? A decorative rug? An ornamental vase?

A: You know what I mean. 

Clare: I do. Just trying to get you to smile.

A: I appreciate that. Its just been a big few days and all I want is him here with me.

Clare: Then go. Find him. But please drive safe its dangerous out there. 

Ava ran over to Clare and kissed her on the cheek and then Sophia on the forehead. She grabbed her coat and a set of keys off the hook. As she was running out the door she yelled "There's loads of bottles in the fridge!"

Clare looked down at Sophia and said "Your mommy and daddy are nuts. I thought I was the crazy one." Ava was driving the Audi to Med when she picked up her phone and tried to call Connor. The phone went straight to voicemail just like it had been doing all day. She arrived at Med 15 minutes later and ran inside. Maggie was standing at the nurses station.

M: Ava! What are you doing back here? You alright.

A: Yes yes I am fine thanks Mags. Is Connor here? or has he been here?

M: Yes he was here about 3 hours ago why?

A: He won't answer my calls and hasn't come home.

M: Alright well he's probably just busy.

A: Maggie he tells me everything. Even when he s going to pee or if he is going to watch TV. Its like a running commentary. Besides, we had a huge fight.

M: He is probably just cooling off. 

A: For 7 hours? No either he left me for Lauren and is on his way to Prague with Lauren or something happened. I know it. 

M: Well Lauren is here. Has been all day. 

A: So where is he? I am worried. He just left me with our brand new baby and now I have gone and left her with my idiot sister because I needed to find him. 

M: First of all, Clare will be fine with her, you can see how much she loves her just by looking at them and secondly, Connor LOVES you. He will be back. 

Ava sighed. "You don't get it something has happened to him. I can feel it. Which way did he leave?"

M: If that's what you feel then I believe you. He went out the ambulance bay doors and walked left. That's all I saw.

A: Okay thanks Mags.

Ava rushed out the doors and ran straight over to Pete the valet guy. 

A: Hi Pete

P: Good Evening Dr Bekker. 

A: Did you park Connor uhhh I mean Dr Rhodes' car out here?

P: Yup I sure did.

A: Which way did he go when he left? 

P: Right. 

A: Thank you.

Before he could respond Ava had run back to her car and driven off. After she pulled out of the parking lot she drove for a few miles and then ran into a huge queue of backed up traffic. She turned the radio on to try and figure out what was going on. A parade? Some ducks crossing the road? She adjusted the channel until a crackly female voice spoke out"Police have confirmed that there are so far six victims from the head-on crash just north of Gaffney Chicago Medical Center this evening, among them a 3 year old boy, a 42 year old mother of 5 and a male surgeon who allegedly worked at the hospital."

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