Chapter 23

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.... Connor gave her a sideways stare and then walked off to find Ava.

Ava was sitting on the end of the bed with her head in her hands. Connor sat down beside her.

C: Ava?

A: Mmhm?

C: You okay?

A: Just great, she said with her head still in her hands.

C: And you expect me to believe that?

A: Nope.

C: Tell me what I can do. Anything. Please. Let me help you.

A: Take me away.

C: Huh?

A: Out of Chicago. Just for a bit. Before the baby comes.

C: Really?

A: I'm dead serious.

C: Ok lets go. Right now. Come on.

A: Wait...

C: I'll go pack some stuff.

A: Oh you're for real?

C: Dead serious he said and then smiled at her.

Connor headed into the wardrobe and started throwing clothes into a suitcase. Ava headed out to the kitchen where Clare was sitting eating the burnt omelette. Ava coughed loudly and then started wafting the air.

A: What the hell did you do to that omelette. It smells awful in here.

She walked over to where Clare was sitting. She had put her headphones in and couldn't hear a thing Ava had said. Ava crept up behind her and then stuck to fingers sharply into Clare's ribs. She jumped and fell of the stool she was sitting on. Ava was laughing and she got up off the floor.

Clare: Bitch! Don't do that. Jeez.

Ava was still laughing when she locked her eyes on the omelette that was almost completely black. She picked up the plate and dumped the whole thing in the bin.

A: You are not eating this. I will not allow it. Do you know how unhealthy that is.

Clare: Well what am I gonna eat then.

A: Have some cereal child. 

Clare got up and started rifling around in the pantry.

A: Hey so listen, Connor and I are going away for a few days. I was feeling okay about letting you stay here a minute ago but now seeing how completely useless you re I am starting to feel a bit nervous about it. This is Connors place. Not mine, remember?

Clare: Oh please, how long has it been since you stayed at your own apartment? 2 months. You practically live here too.

A: Not really the point I was trying to make.

Clare: I will behave I promise.

A: Why am I finding it so difficult to believe you?

Clare shrugged and stuffed a huge spoon of cereal into her mouth, half of it missed and fell on the bench. Ava shook her head and walked back to the bedroom where Connor was on his laptop booking a cabin near lake Michigan.

C: How many nights you want to go for?

A: Three or four? I don't really mind. Just need to get out of here for a bit.

C: Four it is.

He shut the laptop and grabbed the duffel bag he had packed. "You ready?"

A: Yep I think so.

C: Ok come on.

He held out his empty hand and they walked out of the bedroom together. They both hugged Clare goodbye and then walked down to the street.

C: Which car shall we take?

A: Does it matter?

C: Just thinking about the weather...

A: Oh good point lets take the Jeep.

Connor picked the keys off the hook and opened the door for Ava. 20 minutes later, they were still driving. Ava was looking worried.

C: Whats up?

A: Oh I am just a bit worried about Clare. I feel like she is gonna get up to no good while we are gone.

C: Ava just forget about her. She is an adult. She will be fine.

A: An adult? Haha funny. Aren't you even slightly worried about your apartment?

C: OUR apartment and No. Its just a building, there are far more important things.

Ava relaxed a little. "I guess you're right"

C: Never get sick of hearing that.

A little while later they pulled up at the lake. There was a large log cabin with a complete glass roof a few feet away from where they had parked. There was a small private jetty that stretched out over the edge of the lake and an large fire pit. It was tucked privately behind some tall pine trees and had some lights dangling from the upper floors balcony.

A: Is this where we are staying?

C: Yeah. Is there something wrong?

A: God, no its beautiful. Its huge for just two of us though.

C: Three of us. Look it doesn't matter as long as we have a good time right?

Ava got out the car and shut the door.

A: Where did they say they left the key for us?

C: Under the rock with a lady bug painted on it.

Ava grabbed the key and opened the door. Inside there was a huge rock fireplace surrounded by some of the comfiest looking couches she had ever seen. There was an indoor bar and a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall. There were two large floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with movie discs, board games and novels of all kinds. On the dining table there was a large hamper filled with goodies, some chocolate and crisps a bottle of bubble bath, some scented candles and an assortment of flavored herbal teas. There was a note attached.

"Hello and Welcome, we trust you will love this place as much as we do, Best Wishes Ellen and Andrew"

A: Isn't that sweet, the owners wrote us a lovely note.

C: Previous owners.

A: What?

C: The previous owners wrote that note. I just bought this place.

A: You just w...

She put one hand over her mouth and looked around in awe. 

A: You own this Cabin?

C: WE do now , yep.

A: I will never get used to hearing that. I can't believe this!

C: Best believe it baby.

Connor kissed her on the cheek and then took the bag into the bedroom. Ava was still standing speechless when he returned. He picked up a remote and pointed it at the stereo. Some quiet country music started playing. He held his hand out and Ava took it. He pulled her in close to him and started slowly dancing around the living area. His cheek was pressed softly against hers and he could feel her starting to relax in his arms. Under his breath he gently whispered "I love you Ava."

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