Chapter 29

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"Police have confirmed that there are so far six victims from the head-on crash just north of Gaffney Chicago Medical Center this evening, among them a 3 year old boy, a 42 year old mother of 5 and a male surgeon who allegedly worked at the hospital."

Ava was completely frozen. Images of Connor were now flashing through her mind. Playing in a continuous loop, every moment they had shared. The day they met, their first kiss and a few other firsts. The look on his face when he first saw her after his return to Chicago, the dancing in the cabin by the lake. The dates, the arguments and the loving gazes. The day Sophia was born and the look of pure joy on his face. But most clearly she could see the anger and betrayal and hurt he had on his face just before he walked out. She was still sitting behind the wheel of the car. There were tears forming in the corner of her eyes and she had started to shake. Ava could feel her heart slowly cracking apart. After a moment she suddenly realized she had to go and help. There were likely dozens of injured people a few hundred meters ahead of her. Other peoples partners, children, siblings, parents. She grabbed her jacket and first aid kit out the back of the car and began running up the highway between the rows of cars. As she got closer she could was beginning to smell, gas and burning and could hear screams and hissing sounds. There were 5 overturned cargo trucks and many cars trapped in between and underneath them. She could already see many people had died, the blood staining the fresh snow. One of the tankers was releasing a dark grey smoke and it was filling the air with a chemical smell that she assumed could not be good for anybody. All he wanted to do was go and search for Connor or his car but she was terrified of what she may find. These other people needed her. She took her phone from her pocket and decided to try call one more time before getting stuck in. The phone rang this time for about 15 seconds and suddenly someone answered. 

A: Connor? Is that you?

"Uh no sorry this is Officer Atwater."

A: Kevin? Why do you have Connor's phone? God he's dead isn't he?

K: I am sorry but I do not know. We just found his phone on the road down here at the scene of the accident. It was undamaged so we decided to turn it on and see what we could discover. 

A: Oh alright. I'm Dr Bekker by the way. His partner. I am down here at the scene too. 

K: Do you need a lift to find him?

A: Thank you but no, I have to stay here for now. I can't do anything more until I know, I am much better off here where I am needed. But please keep an eye out for him.

K: Okay will do, I will call you straight away if I find him. 

A: Thank you Atwater. Stay safe out here.

K: You too.

Ava hung up the phone and headed over to one of the victims lying on the road. He had a huge gash across his lower abdomen and his intestines were hanging out of it. He also had a pretty deep head lac that was more concerning. He was conscious, she estimated a GCS of 8. He could have a more serious brain injury or may just be in shock she thought to herself. She grabbed a small bottle of iodine out her kit and squirted it on his head and then wrapped a bandage around his head where the laceration was. She grabbed the permanent marker and wrote in big letters across his chest. "GCS 8, Poss TBI, sev. blood loss" She then ran and grabbed a roll of cling film she had spotted in one of the crashed cars and then headed back to the man who was still mumbling sounds and groaning. She used the saline solution from her kit and rinsed the intestines that were hanging outside of his abdomen, then wrapping them in the plastic film. She put her jacket under his head and then ran to find her next patient. There was a young girl around 14 years old who had an open humerus fracture on her right leg and by what Ava could see also a probably an oblique tib-fib fracture too. She was unable to walk and losing a lot of blood but she was crying and screaming while dragging herself across the icy ground towards a car. Ava ran over to her. 

A: Oh hi sweetie, I'm a doctor and I want to take a look at you please. Can you stay still for me?

"No, my baby brother and sister are still in the car" she screamed. 

A: Alright, that's terrible but I can help with that. I can call someone to come and get them out. I have a few friends in the fire department. Okay? Let me help you? Whats your name? I'm Ava.

"I'm Becky"

A: Hi Becky. You just sit still and I'll make that call okay?

B: Mhm.

Ava reached for her phone again and called Cruz. 

C: This is Cruz.

A: Yes. Good you picked up! Are you squad guys down at the crash on the highway? 

C: Yes we are just looking for trapped people at the minute. 

A: I have two young kids trapped down here with me. I am with their big sister. 

C: We are on our way. Where are you?

A: Right by the overturned tanker. The one with the smoke pouring out of it. 

C: You need to be careful. Shouldn't be breathing too much of that in. Its probably toxic. 

A: Yeah I know. But I can't leave these people. 

C: We are almost there. 

A: Okay, I am gonna go see to this girl.

C: See ya in a sec

Ava tucked her phone in her back pocket and turned back to Becky. She was laying flat now and her humerus fracture was bleeding more and more. She was getting paler by the second. She was starting to slowly get weaker and weaker. Ava grabbed the emergency blanket from the first aid kit and wrapped it around her. She then took off her own beanie and scarf and put them on her as well. She grabbed the remaining bandage from her supply and tightly wrapped the open wound. A minute later Cruz and Kelly ran out from behind the tanker. 

C: The kids? Where are they?

A: The flipped blue minivan. One boy and one girl. Both 3.

Cruz and Kelly immediately ran over to the vehicle and started tying to get in. Ava could hear that both kids were still alive because of the screams coming from inside as the firemen banged and pried at the side of the van. A moment later and ambulance pulled up just behind the tanker. Ava flagged it down and picked Becky up in her arms. A male medic jumped out the drivers seat and ran over. He took Becky in his arms and then they ran over to the ambo together. Ava opened up the back doors of the ambulance where another male paramedic was standing facing away from her. The first guy placed Becky on the gurney and started attaching the EKG leads. Ava jumped up into the back right behind the the other guy who suddenly turned around just as she got in. They were face to face and Ava instantly recognized his scent, before even seeing his face.

A: Connor!

C: Ava?

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