Chapter 14

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*** One Week Later***

After their weekend off together Connor and Ava were back at work on Monday morning. They walked into the ED holding hands and then proceeded into the doctors lounge where Will and Natalie were sitting drinking their morning coffee together and looking at wedding magazines before shift began. As soon as they walked in Natalie immediately jumped and walked right up to Ava. Connor let go of her hand an sat down next to Will on the couch.

N: Hey so Maggie, April and I are all meeting up at my house tonight to start some planning and Will is going to take Connor, Ethan and Noah out to Molly's so we can have the house. Do you wanna join? I'd love for you to be a part of this!

A: Uhhh yes of course! Although I may not be much fun in  my condition she said as she placed one hand gently on her growing baby bump. We also have our anatomy scan this afternoon but we can both come after.

N: We were gonna meet at 7pm anyway so I think you will have plenty of time! Don't worry we are not gonna do anything crazy, just look at some websites and magazines, maybe pinterest for inspiration... and because I know what its like to be pregnant I have bought baby-friendly food and drinks so you will be eating the same as the rest of us.

A: Oh thank you so much! Yes it would be lovely to have some girl time.

N: Well Owen will be with us but he's no trouble she giggled.

A: I am glad I will finally get to properly meet him.

N: So its a plan! You want to drive with me after work? I am taking the others, te guys said they want the cars. God knows what for.

A: I would imagine they will be playing around in Connor's Porsche. They better be careful. I don't want to be a single mother.

N: No neither do I.

Ava and Natalie looked at each other for a moment and then turned to look at Will and Connor who were laughing loudly on the couch. As soon as they saw the girls turn around they fell dead silent.

C: Um hi.

A: Hi. Soooo we want you all to have fun tonight BUT I also want you to be safe. No stupidity, drunk driving, streaking or hooking up with strange girls please.

C: Ava we are not that stupi......

N: Just say yes. 

Connor and Will went silent again before quietly mumbling "Yes" under their breath. Ava handed Connor her bag and then said "Shift has started, lets go do some good guys" and then walked out of the lounge into the ED. The glass door shut behind and Nat quickly turned back to the boys.

N: Now you two I mean it. Look after one another tonight okay? Neither me or Ava want to be raising our babies alone.

She threw her satchel to Will and looped her stethoscope around her neck and then left the lounge as well. Connor and Will were still silent covered in jackets, bags and holding coffee cups when Goodwin walked in.

G: Come on boys shift has started. Enough coffee and chit chat and lets get to work.

They stumbled to their feet and quickly put away the girls bags before following Sharon out of the doctors lounge and into the ED. As they were walking out Will leaned into Connor and whispered "Man, these women are bossy today". Connor let out a chuckle and Sharon immediately zipped around, gave one of her classic 'you have got to be kidding me' glares.

G: And its a good thing we are or nothing would ever get done around here by you two giggly idiots.

She then walked off, back to her office and Will and Connor got called over to an incoming trauma.

***Later that Day***

Ava was nervously waiting in the maternity ward and Connor came running from down the corridor.

C: Sorry, last minute surgery! But I made it.

He sat down next to Ava and straight away took hold of her hand and pecked her cheek as he could see how nervous she was. She didn't react at all and continue staring at a piece of cotton on the floor. After about a minute of silence Connor said "Wow! that has go to be the most interesting piece of string I have ever seen". Ava finally looked up at his face and just stared at him lovingly for a second.

A: Sorry, I am a little scared. I am obviously hugely excited to find out what we are having but It is all just getting so real now!

C: That is perfectly understandable, but the baby is going to be perfect no matter what, you will make an amazing mother and I will never leave your side. So try focus on those facts.

Ava was shaking a little, so Connor but one arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close to him. He put the other hand gently on Ava's belly and whispered "I love you" to the baby and then again to Ava, who finally cracked a smile.

A nurse stood up from behind the desk and yelled across the waiting room "Bekker you're up!"

They stood up together and Ava grabbed hold of Connors hand.

C: Jesus Bekker you are going to break my fingers.

A: Oh sorry and she loosened her grip on his hand slightly.

C: Oh that's much better he said sarcastically.

A: I forgot what its like to be a patient. I don't like it all.

C: Does anybody?

They walked into the examination room and Ava got up on the bed. The doctor walked in, she was not anyone either of them knew. "Hello I am Dr. Ritchie. You must be Connor and Ava" she said while checking the chart. "It says here you are both Surgeons. Which hospital?" Connor gave her a blank look and then said "Um here."

R: Oh really that's funny. Anyway shall we get this started so you can get back to work?

A: Yes please.

Ava lifted up her shirt and reached out for Connor's hand. He interlocked his fingers with hers and leaned in to give her a kiss. Dr. Ritchie put the gel on Ava's stomach and started to move the ultrasound wand around. Ava looked up at Connor who was fixated on the monitor, but he turned to look her right in the eye and smiled. Ava looked back at the screen after Connors reassuring gesture. After about a minute the sound of the heartbeat was playing loudly over the monitor and both immediately knew it was a healthy heart beat.

R: I know I don't have to tell you two this but, your babies heart sounds perfect. Now would you like to know the sex of the baby?

Connor and Ava looked at one another and then back at Dr. Ritchie.

C: Yes we would.

Dr. Ritchie smiled and then tilted the monitor towards them. It's a girl. Congratulations.

Tears started to slowly roll down Ava's cheeks, and Connor embraced her in a long hug.

R: She measures perfectly for her age and I cannot see any abnormalities. A perfectly health little girl. I will give you two the room.

Dr. Ritchie walked out and Connor and Ava finally broke apart. Connors eyes were watering as well. He leaned in and gave a tender kiss and then wiped the ultrasound jelly off her belly.

C: You ready to go spend the evening with Nat?

A: Yes for sure. Are we telling people that she's a girl?

C: Do you want to?

A: Can we just keep it between us?

C: Whatever you want beautiful.

They got up and left the room giving Dr. Ritchie a warm smile on their way out. Natalie and the girls were waiting in the lobby. Ava headed out with them while Connor stayed behind to wait for Will. Just before she went out of sight she turned and gave Connor a wink which made him laugh. Today had been a perfect day.

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