Chapter 31

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*** Later that Night ***

Connor opened the door to the apartment and held it open as Ava walked in. Natalie was sitting on the couch with Sophia. 

A: Uhh Natalie why do you have my baby?

N: Hi guys, because the sitter called the hospital while you two were off doing whatever and said that a relative of hers had been injured in the same accident. I knew you two were unreachable so I told her I would come take over. Both of you and Will were all busy so I figured why not? I needed a dose of baby. And she knows we know each other well so it was all okay. I had to bring Owen too. I'm sorry. He's asleep on the spare bed. I hope you don't mind. 

Ava silently walked over to Natalie and hugged her. After she stepped back she smiled and took Sophia out of her arms. 

A: Hi my sweet baby. How you been? I am so sorry for being gone so long. And no, Natalie of course I don't mind. I owe you a long vacation and lunch for a month. Not many people would do that. Thank you. 

N: Nonsense, all I ask is that maybe you two could watch Owen on Friday. Will and I have a thing. 

A: Of course anytime. It would be our pleasure. 

C: Absolutely I love that little dude. 

N: Thanks guys. I should get my boy home, I also wanna be there when Will gets off shift. 

C: Thank you so much Nat.

N: I'll just go get him.

C: No no I'll do it. 

N: Thank you Connor, he is getting quite big now.

C: Its no sweat. 

Connor and Natalie disappeared into the spare room while Ava sat down and fed Sophia. They came out a moment later and Owen was snuggled in Connors arms, still fast asleep. They headed out the apartment and down onto the street where some light snow was still falling. Connor clipped Owen into his seat still managing not to wake him. 

N: Thanks Connor. I could never have done that. 

C: No need, like Ava said, we should be thanking you.

N: You two have the snuggliest, easiest baby. Where on earth did that come from? she laughed.

C: Oh haha. 

N: No but seriously enjoy this time because it doesn't last long. 

C: Well after today we both have 5 days off. We are gonna do some little family adventures. 

N: Sounds perfect. Anyway I should be going. But I am happy to babysit that gorgeous girl of yours whenever. 

C: And same with this little man. 

N: Thank you, I'm so glad someone else from work finally has a kid. I felt very old. 

C: Oh never. Anyway just text us the deets for Friday. 

N: Will do. Goodnight Connor. 

Natalie put her window up and then drove off, steam pouring out of her exhaust from the cold temperature outside. Connor waved her off and then ran inside as quickly as he could. When he got back upstairs Ava had finished feeding Sophia and both were asleep on the couch. He gently took a seat next to Ava and put his arm around her shoulder. She stirred a little and tucked her self into his side. With his other hand he was gently stroking Sophia's little hand. Both of them were still in their scrubs, had not yet showered, eaten or slept. Connor turned on the TV and set it to mute. He flicked through the channels until he found a baseball game. After laying there together for an hour, Ava suddenly sat up. 

A: Okay hunny, we really need to sort ourselves out. 

She walked into the nursery and a minute later back out without Sophia. 

A: I'm gonna go shower.

C: I'll make something to eat. Will just be very basic but you need to eat something. 

A: Why specifically me? You as well. 

C: Yes, but I am not providing for a baby as well. 

A: Just do some toast. 

C: Okay, you want anything else with it? 

A: Maybe just some fruit?

C: Okay babe. 

Connor headed to the kitchen and could hear the shower start. He briefly considered joining her for a minute but decided tonight was not the night for that. Just as he grabbed the bread and strawberries from the fridge, Sophia started screaming from the nursery. Almost instantly Ava started screaming too. 

A: Connor! The baby!

C: Yes Avey I hear her don't worry. 

He popped the toast down and went to get Sophia. When he walked in she was laying on her back wailing at the top of her lungs. 

C: Hey beautiful shhh shhh shhh its okay I'm here. 

As soon as he picked her up, the screaming dialed down a tone to a sad sob. He walked backed into the kitchen with her in his arms. 

C: Hey did you know that Aunt Natalie said you were a snuggly easy baby? Wheres that girl gone? Is it because mom and dad are back now? You know you can get unlimited attention and food? I bet. Mommy will be right back soon I promise. I know its hard when she's gone. I miss her too. Yeah I do. Shhh shhh shhh. 

Sophia was staring right up at Connor, her eyes wide open. She was still fussing a bit so Connor flicked the radio on and was slowly dancing around the kitchen holding her, singing the songs that came on. 

C: Wow you really do have your mommies eyes. Beautiful. Oh! I love this song!

He danced back over to the radio and turned up the volume a bit more. Singing the lyrics quietly to his daughter. 

"Grandma and grandpa painted a picture of sixty-five years,
And one little house.
More than a memory,
More than saying I do,
Kiss you goodnight's and I love you's.

Me and you baby, walk in the footsteps,
Build our own family,
One day at a time.
Ten little toes, a painted pink room.
Our beautiful baby looks just like you."

As he finished singing the lines Sophia began quietly sucking on her toes, Connor chuckled and leaned down to gently kiss her forehead. Ava was sneakily watching from the bathroom door and couldn't help but smile as she saw them dancing together in the kitchen. After a few minutes she walked back out into the kitchen in her pajamas and over to Connor and Sophia. Connor held his spare hand out for her which she took. He pulled her into a tight embrace and the three of them cuddled in the kitchen. Ava was occasionally eating the odd strawberry. 

C: Okay, my turn to shower. 

He handed Sophia to Ava and then kissed her before heading into the bathroom himself. Ava watched him walk off and then whispered to Sophia "Your daddy is pretty damn smooth don't ya think?" 

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