Chapter 11

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One month later and things were still going well between Connor and Ava. Everything was moving extremely slowly but Ava felt very happy with the way things were and she decided she wanted more. The 21-week scan was coming up and she had already asked Connor to come so she needed to think of something else to show him how she felt. They were still discussing whether or not to find out the gender of the baby. Connor was decidedly against it and thought the surprise was half the fun and Ava, of course, felt the opposite. The painting of the nursery either pink or blue and buying dapper little boys clothes or pretty girly ones were what she thought was most exciting. 

It was just any other Wednesday and Connor drove to work in his Porsche to work. Ava was waiting eagerly for him at their spot. The coffee stand just outside the doors to the ED. 

A: Morning.

C: Good Morning! Connor said enthusiastically.

He pulled his wallet out of his jeans pocket and turned back to Ava.

C: The usual? He asked. 

She nodded and gave him a little smile as he turned back around to the guy behind the cart. 

C: One hot chocolate and one black coffee, please. 

Certainly, the barista replied. While they waited for their drinks Connor turned back to face Ava. She gave him a mischievous smirk and said...

A: You know I think that you should cut caffeine out for the rest of this pregnancy. You know, in solidarity.  

Connor chuckled and said replied...

C: I love you, but that's never gonna happen. I need my coffee. 

Immediately after the words were out of his mouth he realized what he had just said. He didn't dare look up at Ava and see her reaction. So he continued to stare at the ground. 

C: Uhhhhhm.....

Ava was silent for a good 20 seconds so he made the bold decision to look up at her face. She had a completely blank look and wasn't moving at all.

C: Ava?

The barista then loudly screamed "order up" as if he had sensed the tension and was trying to break the ice. Connor reached out and took the drinks from him, without looking away from Ava in case she decided to make a break for it. He handed the hot chocolate to her and then walked right up beside her. He whispered in her ear...

C: Sorry to freak you out, but I meant it. I'm gonna go inside now. Feel free to come but I'll also totally understand if you just want to stand here for a bit. 

He then kissed her cheek gently and walked inside. Ava stood silently for about another 10 seconds and then broke her freeze after she knew Connor was out of sight. The barista was still fully focused on Ava and decided to go over and talk to her as there were currently no customers to be served. 

B: Girl, I have seen you two at my cart together every single day for the last 1 and a half months. He always buys your drink, you always just stand there making goo-goo eyes at him while he's not looking and then either one of you makes some sort of flirty remark. I'm also assuming that he's your uhhhh, how do I put this delicately? Your baby daddy!, so why don't you go find him and tell him that you love him too. 

A: But I don't.

B: oh right. He responds with a wink before heading back behind the cart. 

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