Chapter 25

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***1 Month Later***

Connor and Ava had not been very busy since Sophia died. Ava never went back to the hospital after that day and they were spending most of their off days at home preparing for the baby. Ava had now completely moved in and given her own apartment to Clare. The nursery was fully painted now and Connor was in there putting the furniture together before they ran out of time. Ava was laying down watching the Harry Potter series as she was finding it hard to get around now that she was in her final few days. Suddenly there came a big crash from the baby's room and Connor swore loudly.

C: Bollocks!

A: You okay?

C: Yeah I just tripped over the stuff I left on the floor, stubbed my toe.

A: I am trying to be sympathetic but thats just straight up funny she giggled. Come here, let me see.

Connor limped over to where she was sitting and rested his foot on the coffee table. There was some blood oozing out from the massive crack down the center of the nail.

A: Go wash it off and put a band-aid on it. And maybe some socks over the top of that to keep it in place. Don't want you getting blood on the new carpet in her room.

She laid back into the couch and put both of her hand on her belly. "Baby you are getting too big. Please stop growing before I have to have you." Connor walked back in and headed straight into the nursery again. Ava looked back at her massive baby bump. "Can you hurry up please, I am incredibly bored and uncomfortable".

An hour later she woke up on the couch from an unintentional nap. Connor was also asleep on the other sofa.

A: Connor?

Connor mumbled and then rolled over where he was lying. Ava threw a pillow at his head and he quickly sat straight up.

C: Woah. Whats up?

A: I wanna go to bed.

C: Ok...

A: I don't think I can get up the stairs by myself.

C: Oh okay. Come here.

He helped her up off the couch and then scooped her up in his arms.

A: I meant just hold my hand, but this works for me.

Connor carried Ava up the stairs and then put her down on the edge of the bed. As he went to walk away Ava grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He lingered my her face for a moment afterwards.

C: What was that?

A: Its about the only exciting thing I can do at the moment.

C: Aw, you think kissing me is exciting? That's very sweet.

A: Are you coming to bed too?

C: I don't know if I am just yet. Why?

A: No reason.

C: Do you want me too?

A: Maybe. I like using you as human maternity pillow.

C: Oh I know that already. Believe me.

A: Sorry.

C: Don't apologize. I am happy to be your punching bag while you are hers. I'll come to bed now then.

Connor took his dirty clothes off and put his pajama pants on, then crawled into bed next to Ava who was staring very intently at her phone.

C: What are you doing now?

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