Chapter 17

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...just leaning in to give her a proper kiss when Laura burst in...

A: Jesus do you not knock woman?

L: Oh I'm sorry they told me to...

A: Look, I really don't care what anybody said. Just do what you came to do and then go.

Laura awkwardly walked behind Connor and grabbed a spare pair of scrubs off the shelf behind Ava. She then squeezed back past Connor and then headed out, not before giving Ava a dirty look that only she could see.

A: Shut the door please!

Laura shut the door and as soon as she was out of sight, Ava sighed loudly.

A: You can't tell me that was 'an accident'

C: What do you mean?

A: She knew we were in here. Or rather you...

C: What are you talking about? It seemed innocent.

Ava glared at him for a second and then looked down at her feet.

A: It doesn't matter Connor.

C: If you say, where were we?

He leaned into kiss her again, actually managing to get her on the lips without being interrupted. He lingered there for a moment and then  gently kissed her lips again. She couldn't help but crack a little smile before frowning again

C: I saw that Bekker. You can't hide that beautiful smile from me.

A: oh you wanna go?

C: You bloody bet I do.

Ava laughed and tucked some hair behind her ear. Connors phone beeped and he quickly kissed Ava on the cheek and said "I gotta go, see ya later yeah?" He ran out before Ava even had a chance to respond. She stood there for a minute before looking down at her belly. She whispered quietly "Your dad is a little bit crazy baby". She walked out of the room and decided to go and see Nat and find out how Will was recovering. He seemed to be a lot worse off than Connor. 

She walked into the ED and Nat was standing at a computer near the nurses station.

A: Natalie!

N: Hey, how's the other idiot doing?

A: He seems perfectly fine, racing all over the hospital like a maniac and being his usual charming self. Its infuriating.

N: What why?

A: I am meant to be mad at him, but he just wins me over every damn time and I have zero control.

N: Oh I see. He is a cutie. I really believe he is a good guy Ava.

A: So do I, he is just a bit silly sometimes. But I guess we all are in a way.

N: Yeah I know I...

Ava had completely frozen on the spot and her eyes were fixed on something behind Natalie.

N: Ava?

Natalie spun around to see what Ava was so fascinated by. She was staring at the new third year med student who started earlier that day.

N: Ava why on earth are you staring at the new girl?

A: She is not just the new girl.

At this point the new student had noticed Ava staring at her and had also stopped dead in her path. After a moment her serious scowl turned into a massive grin that seemed to almost take up her whole face. Ava was now crying again and Natalie was getting increasingly more confused.

N: What is going on!?

The next second the young med student was running at top speed towards Ava and Natalie. When she finally got within arms reach of Ava she threw them around Ava's neck and started to cry. Ava was also bawling. This was the most anybody had ever seen Dr. Bekker cry.

A: What on earth are you doing here? She sniffled, still embraced tightly in the arms of the younger girl.

They broke their hug and took hold of each others hand, looking admiringly at each other.

A: Natalie, this is my baby sister, Clare. She is studying medicine, obviously, but I was under the impression she was completing her degree in South Africa!

N: Ahhhh Okay now I get it. Its an honor to meet you Clare.

C: You too Natalie, the pleasure is all mine. She smiled.

Clare put both her hands on Ava's stomachs and then bent down and gently kissed it.

C: I honestly CANNOT believe that you are pregnant. I mean, I knew, but I always sorta just thought you were pulling my leg. But No! its real. I am gonna be an aunt.

N: It was so lovely to meet you Clare, but I have to get back to work, besides I am sure you are on my service at some point this week we can get to know each other then. You two should catch up.

Natalie walked away to greet an incoming ambulance. Ava pulled Clare in for a second long hug and then suddenly stepped back.

A: Come on! You have to meet Connor, where ever he is.

C: Ah actually I already have. He helped me organize a lot of this, and in fact hes hiding behind that curtain and just filmed this whole thing. That's why he got paged a few minutes ago. It was me.

Connor stepped out from behind a blue curtain still holding his phone up.

C: Did I get ya?

A: So good! I am so grateful right now... I have my 3 babies all together in one city, she giggled.

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