Chapter 19

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*** A week later***

The patient from last week had survived but he had unfortunately lost most of the sensation in his right leg. Clare had developed a good rapport with the patient by now and was checking on him everyday up on the ward. His name was Arnold and he had 3 kids, they were grown up now but still came in to see him everyday. Today she was changing his dressings. Ava was watching  her sister through the glass, when Connor walked up behind her. He put one hand on her waist and she jumped.

A: Jesus Connor don't do that!

C: Do what?

A: Walk really quietly so I don't hear you coming!

C: Oh sorry, it wasn't on purpose.

Ava sighed and turned back to watch through the window.  "You know I think my sister might be one of the sweetest people I know. Maybe I am biased but look at that. No student doctor pays that much attention to a single patient."

C: I wonder where she got that from.

Ava turned and looked up at Connor. "Me? Yeah right."

C: No I'm serious, I know you Ava. You can't hide from me.

She looked down at the floor and Connor gently lifted her chin up to look at him. He whispered again "I know you".

Maggie came bursting through the double doors behind them and began yelling at Connor.


C: But Mags...

M: Now!

Maggie grabbed Connor by the arm and dragged him off to a private room that was out of Ava's earshot. She shut the door and locked it behind them. She looked up at Connor and they both started to laugh.

M: That was way too fun. We should fake argue more often.

C: Agreed. Ava's face was priceless!

M: Ok so, we have everything set up for Friday night at Molly's.

C: I'm so glad you gals were keen to get behind this because I am clueless about baby showers.

M: I'm an old pro, we did one for Nat with Owe. Now I have been allowed to plan a boy and girl shower. You sure Ava wouldn't have wanted to do all this herself.

C: Nah, you know her. She is not that kind of woman. But I know she will still love it. I think she is mad at me though. She thinks I'm sneaking around, keeping secrets, thinks I am up to something.

M: Well you are.

C: Yeah but its a good surprise. I think she thinks it may be something bad.

M: Connor, just remember that within the last year she moved from her home country to a completely foreign place, left her family, got a new job, had to compete with you, ended up falling for you, got knocked up, thought you were leaving her and is now 6 months pregnant. Its scary stuff. She has a right to be a little anxious. Just make sure she knows you are here.

C: That's what this is all about. I think Clare's arrival has helped a bit.

M: I would imagine so. Sisters are a god send. Pains in the behind, but ALWAYS there when you need them.

C: Yeah well not mine.

M: Your situation is.... unique.

C: That's one word for it...

M: I think we should ask Clare about all this. Maybe she will have some insights.

C: Good idea. I'll text her.

M: Ok great, lemme know what she says. Now in a second walk out of here looking like you just got your ass handed to you.

C: Yes ma'am!

Maggie gave Connor a sharp glare and he opened the door. He walked back down the hall but Ava had already gone. Clare was just coming out of Arnold's room.

C: Psst. Clare!

Clare walked over. "Whats up?"

C: Can I talk to you for a second?

Clare: Oh god, what did I do? Whatever it is, I'm sorry. I'll fix it.

C: No no no. You have been great. I need to discuss something privately. Its not work related and I promise you its all good.

Clare: Ok...

C: Come on.

They walked into the empty ICU room and Connor showed her a picture of Nat and April at Molly's setting up for Friday.

Clare: A baby shower!?

C: Yeah do you think that's a good idea? Ava doesn't know. We need your help.

Clare: Yes its just what she needs. She has been insanely stressed.

C: Oh I know, she jumps at everything, hardly sleeps and has been a tad moody.

Clare: You can just say she is acting like a bitch. It's alright. She has been. I totally agree, but she has every right to be.

C: Absolutely. I don't mind.

Clare: So what you need me to do?

C: Well anything really.

Clare: I'll drive down there after shift. Will Natalie still be there?

C: Yup, I'll let her know you will be heading down there.

Clare: Fab, I will keep you in the loop. Now you go have a nice night with my sister. Take care of her please.

C: Always.

Clare walked off and Connor was still stood there in the hallway. He waited for a moment and then headed off in the opposite direction back to the ED. When he walked in Will wandered over and said "I think you need to see this". He ushered Connor over to the doctors lounge and then cracked the door open slightly. "Look". Connor peered in the gap and saw Ava asleep on the couch.

C: Thanks mate.

He opened the door further and quietly walked in. He took his phone out of his coat pocket and took a few photos of Ava sleeping and then quickly put his phone away as she stirred slightly. Connor smiled a little bit and then grabbed his big coat from his locker and covered her over.

He walked back out to the ED and headed over to see Maggie again.

C: Hey Ava has fallen asleep. Would you mind not paging her for an hour or two. I will cover CT for now.

M: Oh sure. I'm assuming you want me to keep this on the D/L?

C: Please.

M: Gotcha. In that case you have an incoming. 2 minutes out. Gear up Dr Rhodes.


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