Chapter 26

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~Hey guys! So now that my read count is upwards of 5K and the baby is finally here I thought I would just say a big huge thank you to you all for reading! I have been trying to be better with my updating recently because it got a bit patchy there in the middle haha. Anyway please let me know what you think because I really appreciate the feedback :-) Also go check out my brand spanking new Instagram account for all things Chicago Med... @bekkersquad ... excuse my shameless self promo. Anywho love always Clare xx ~

***2 Hours Later***

 Ava was fast asleep in the hospital bed. Connor was holding Sophia and hadn't taken his eyes off her for a second since she was born. There was a quiet knock on the door and Ava suddenly opened her eyes. It was Natalie and Will who had popped up from the ED to see Ava and the baby before shift started.

N: Oh hey you.

She walked straight to Ava and gave her a big hug.

N: Congratulations you two!

A: Aw thank you Nat.

N: We brought her this. Owen has a blue one, since the day he arrived it has never left his side.

She grabbed a tiny soft pink pig from her bag. Will walked over to Connor and peeked at baby Sophia who was still snoozing in Connors arms.

W: Congrats man, shes gorgeous.

C: Isn't she? he said, still without lifting his gaze off his sleeping daughter.

Natalie walked over to stand by Connor as well.

N: Aw Ava she looks just like you.

C: Thank goodness.

Connor, Will and Natalie were all staring at Sophia.

A: Uhhhhh guys still here. I was the one who pushed that baby out you know. Connor can I have her?

C: Of course. Sorry babe.

He walked over and put the baby in Ava's arms. She stirred a little and then settled after a moment.

N: So how was it?

A: You mean giving birth?

N: Mmm.

A: It hurt. A lot.

N: Oh believe me I know how much it hurts.

Nat and Ava both giggled. "So worth it though". Connor and Will gave each other a sideways glance.

N: Yes be very grateful this is a woman's job, you two couldn't handle it.

C: I don't doubt that in the slightest.

A: I can see you staring at her out the corner of my eye Nat. Do you want to hold her?

N: I am so glad you asked. I absolutely do! Didn't want to steal her from you though.

A: I have my whole life to hold her. Here you have a cuddle.

Natalie gently picked her up and rested her on her chest.

N: Oh she's got that lovely baby smell.

C: You better watch it there Will, shes gonna want another kid.

N: Oh this little girl already has me sold on that.

W: Saw that coming a mile away.

N: Does she have a name yet?

A: Sophia

N: Aw no. That is beyond perfect for you sweet girl, she said as she stroked her hair.

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