Chapter 7

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Being back in Chicago felt even better than Connor had anticipated. Although he had no home, his car was locked away in long-term parking and his luggage had been lost by the airline. He thought to himself "I may as well just go to the hospital"

Connor headed out to the road and jumped in one of the cabs that were waiting just outside the airport doors.

C: Gaffney Chicago Medical Center please driver.

D: Certainly.

The drive took about 30 mins as the traffic in the city was bad and Connor arrived at the hospital just after shift change. He stood outside the ED for a moment, lost in his thoughts when suddenly someone behind he screamed BOO!

Connor quickly turned around and Will was standing there in his scrubs.

C: Bloody hell Will! You scared the life out of me. I almost wet myself.

Will laughed and then pulled Connor in for a hug and gave him two firm pats on the back.

W: It's so good to see you back again! We all thought that we'd seen the last of you.

C: So did I to be completely honest. I was so fed up with Chicago and needed a break but as soon as I left all that I wanted was to be back here.

W: Ironic isn't it?

C: That's one word for it. Connor laughed. Anyway, are you heading inside or did you just finish your shift?

W: Nope I have a 24 hour. Lucky me Huh?

C: Oh awesome I'll walk in with ya then. So is there anything new going on around here that I should know about?

Will hesitated for a moment and then replied: "Uh yeah a couple things actually".

Connor could sense the uneasiness in Wills response and decided to prod a little more.

C: Like?

W: Well I'm not sure it's my place to say. Oh but I can tell you this! Natalie finally said yes to my proposal. 

C: Aw awesome congrats man, I'm happy for you. But what on earth do you mean by not your place to say?

W: I mean you will find out by yourself eventually anyway and its really none of my business. Come on lets head inside. I got to get to work.

C: Alright. But we need to have a proper catch up later. 

Connor and Will enter the ED and are greeted by all the familiar faces Connor is used to. Dr. Charles and Dr. Reese are trying to talk down a manic patient, Dr. Choi is running from treatment room to treatment room, Dr. Latham is consulting on a Cardio case in Baghdad and April and Maggie are chatting at the Computers. The only face missing is Ava. The person he most wanted to see as he arrived back. Suddenly the elevators ding and the doors slowly glide open and a flood of techs, doctors, and nurses file out. All Connor wanted from this day was to see Ava, but now it looked like he would be heading to his hotel without catching a glimpse of her. Then from behind a curtain in treatment 3, Ava walked out. She saw Connor from across the ED and froze for a moment before placing one hand tenderly on her belly. Connors eyes followed her hand downwards and immediately locked onto what looked like a tiny, growing baby bump.

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