Chapter 9

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The next day Connor walked into work feeling excited about everything that lay ahead. Things were improving between him and Ava and today she had agreed to let him assist her with a transplant. It was a pretty basic surgery and so he assumed that this meant she decided to include him so they could spend some time together in the OR.  Connor reached the locker room and changed into his scrubs. When he opened his locker to put his clothes away a small note fell out onto the ground.  He picked it up and scribbled onto the paper was the words "guess who?". Connor froze for a second before swiftly spinning around on his heels to catch the person who was just about to jump out at him from behind the lockers. It was Laura, from the Mayo Clinic.

L: Surprise! it's me! I transferred here after you said we should be friends.

Laura walked closer to Connor until she was standing only a few centimeters from him.

C: Oh. Hi. I...

The locker room door opened and it was Ava. As soon as she saw them she immediately walked away. 

C: Laura sorry I have to go talk to her. 

L: Oh okay. Is she your girlfriend or something?

C: She's the girl I was telling you about in the bar that night.

L: The one who you didn't kiss me for?

C: Yes. That one. Look I really have to go now.

Connor ran out of the locker room and caught up to Ava who was clearly upset. 

C: Ava. I'm sorry she totally surprised me.

Ava stopped and faced Connor.

A: Oh, so you know her? I thought she was just another one of the girls you slept with!

C: Ava please just listen to me and I will explain. 

A: Go on then.

C: Ok, so when I was working at the Mayo Clinic, she was one of my colleagues and we became quite good friends. And so when I told her I was moving back here she decided to transfer and surprise me. That's all.

A: So nothing happened between you two? 

C: Well...

A: Well What?! Ava yelled. 

C: We kissed once. It only happened once. I swear and I ended it straight away. I promise. 

A: I believe you. But it still sucks for me you know?

C: Why? I have NO feelings for her at all. 

A: Connor you can be so dumb sometimes. She clearly likes you. Let's look at the facts, shall we? First of all when I walked in she was only standing about 5 millimeters away from you, you were practically making out. Second, she gave up a job at the Mayo clinic to follow you here, a significantly less prestigious hospital and oh yeah SHE KISSED YOU!

C: I know that but why does it matter if I don't like her back?

A: It matters because in my head all I can see is you working with an incredibly attractive woman in a flashy job in a different city to me. 

C: Oh.

A: Yes. Oh.

Connor gently reached out and grabbed hold of Ava's hand. "The only person I want to work with, spend time with or do anything with is you. Its you."

A: What do you mean it's me?

C: My everything is you. 

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