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Here is the second part of the story! I hope you like it! 

I walked in after Gandalf. The hobbit hole was just like in Tolkiens drawings and the movie definitely had done it justice. Except, there were twelve hooded cloaks hanging from the hooks on the wall. There was one dwarf missing. And I knew who it was. My thoughts were interrupted by Bilbo's voice,
"I did not know that you had this much company, Gandalf. Twelve dwarves. And a young woman." 

I raised my eyes to meet Bilbos. He looked just like Martin Freeman. Well, he was shorter and had a little bit more weight, but everything else was the same. The nose, the eyes.
"Hello, I'm Beatrice, but you can call me Bea." I smiled at him.
"You are not a dwarf." Bilbo made a discovery.
"I am not, indeed. I am a human, short one but one still. I like your house, it's really nice. Much roomier than in my ...visions." I stuttered saying the last word. That was the only word I could find in my head right now to justify my knowledge.
"T-thank you." It was Bilbo's turn to stutter.
"Why don't you come to the kitchen and join the others, I will bring you some tea." He said, waving his hand in the direction of the kitchen. "Ooooo, I'm gonna meet the dwarves. This is so exciting. But I'm so nervous."  My mind was buzzing again. My fangirl "side" had taken control and my normal fear of men wasn't anywhere to be seen. It would come back eventually, but now I was too excited (and nervous) to care. 

Gandalf walked under a doorway to the kitchen and I followed him, having to bend down a little. "This is a nice change for me, usually I don't have to bend down."  Once I straightened myself, I looked at the dwarves for the first time. They looked like the ones from the movies. Kili's hair was black instead of the brown he had in the book and the black fits him well. Like really well. "He's cute."  I sneaked in behind Gandalf, careful not to make any noise so I would go unnoticed. I sat behind Gandalf on one of the steps, making sure that I was well hidden behind him because I had no desire to be the center of attention. Gandalf glanced at me but after seeing me smile he started to have a conversation with Gloin and Oin. I started running my eyes around the room. All the dwarves were sitting around the table with empty plated before them, talking and laughing together. I nearly jumped a foot into the air after hearing Bilbos voice from behind her.
"I have your tea, miss." Again with the miss.
"Thank you. And please, call me Bea." I said, trying to get my breath to a normal rhythm.
"You can sit around the table too, you don't have to sit there on the floor." He said, his face spreading into a kind smile.
"I'm actually better off here if you don't mind. I don't deal well with attention." I said, sipping my tea and allowing my gaze to wander around the house once again.
"I see. Would you like some bread? Or cheese? Chicken? Anything to eat?" I shook my head.
"Alright, tell me if you need anything." I nodded, smiling to Bilbos kindness when he left. His manners were more like his ones from the books, but she could see the movies Bilbo in him too. Then, the worst thing happened. Well, not the worst of all things, but one of the worst things still. Someone spotted me. It was Fili. 

"Gandalf, who is that lass behind you?" Filis voice was filled with suspicion.
"Oh, I haven't introduced her yet. This is Beatrice, but she wishes to be called Bea." All the sudden, all the eyes were on her. I smiled and nodded to them, not knowing what to say. All the dwarves started to mumble to each other. Balin spoke up.
"Where are you from, miss? "Shit, I haven't thought about that". I had a dozen different stories going through my mind but I selected one of the simplest ones.
"From a small village from the north. And please, call me Bea." I was getting nervous and the countless "missys" weren't helping. Kilis voice was the next one to surface.
"You are not a dwarf. Why are you here?" he asked, looking directly at me. My anxiety was starting to kick in. My whole body screamed for me to run to hide as his gaze never left me but I stayed still and tried to think of an answer that would not make me sound crazy. Luckily, Gandalf sensed that I wasn't ready to speak and butted in.
"She is a psychic. I found her in a river in Bree, nearly drowned." Some of the dwarves laughed, but Fili and Kili looked worried and I looked at Gandalf. I didn't want them to know that I had tried to drown myself. Or that I had drowned and somehow appeared here. Anyway, I didn't want them to know that I did what I did. Luckily, Gandalf said no more. Next, a new voice sounded.
"A psychic you say? She looks more like a shopkeeper to me." He laughed, and a few other dwarves laughed with him. I turned my eyes to him. They didn't believe me. Determination filled my chest. "Let's give them a reason to believe me, then. " I thought and smiled mischievously. "Well, master Dwalin, your father's name was Fundin. There are thirteen dwarves leaving on this adventure. You were the first to arrive here, Balin was the next. Then Fili and Kili. Oh, and you call your axes the Grasper and the Keeper." His face shone with shock and you kept smiling. No one was laughing anymore.
"Um, miss - sorry, Bea. There are only twelve dwarves here." It was Bilbo's voice.
"One of them is still on his way, I believe that he got lost. Twice." I smiled at him, smirking in my brain at the stunned faces of the dwarves.

Washed up - A Hobbit storyWhere stories live. Discover now