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This one gets a little bit steamy but nothing really happens. This is another filler chapter, so you can skip it as well. The steamy part will be marked with (-<>-). 

As we exited the sketchy looking town, I squeezed my new notebook to my chest. It had been the thickest they had and I had had to use all my money to buy it and a pen, but I wasn't regretting anything. I wanted to capture everything I saw and I had really missed drawing. I was excited that I would be able to draw again soon, so I wasn't looking where I was going. It caused me to collide with Kili after he had stopped. I stumbled and grabbed his shoulder to stop my fall. I muttered a "Sorry" and let go of him. He shook his head with a smile on his face to tell me he didn't mind. Then, he turned his face to meet his uncles. Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Nori, and Kili, as well as me, had been chosen to visit the city. Too many dwarves would have gathered unwanted attention. The others stayed with the ponies on a clearing in the forest. 

We stood in an alleyway, facing a problem. There was a guard standing in front of the small door that led in and out of the city. The dwarves wanted to pass unnoticed and I agreed with them. I had no desire to give Azog any tips about where we were. We had gotten inside the city by coming through a different gate, but this time it wasn't an option. It was next to the plaza and sneaking out of it was impossible because of the guard's station next to it. Luckily, this was one was secluded and had only one guard next to it. Of course, the first idea the dwarves had was to knock him out or kill him, but that would have made noise. I spotted a pub close to the gate and a plan started forming in my brain. "If I borrow Kilis jacket and get a belt from somewhere, I might be able to convince him to have a drink with me. But, that means I have to get real close to him and I would rather avoid that." My thoughts were interrupted by Balin's idea. "If we pay him?" Thorin shook his head,
"We don't have enough. We used nearly all of it to buy food." The others sank into a silence and I decided that I had to do something. Azog was looking for us and staying in one place for too long just made it easier for him. 

"Okay, I've had enough of this. Kili, I'm going to need your jacket. And someone's belt." I said, holding out my hand.
"Are you going to attack him, lass? You know we decided against it." Nori said, looking at me. He still hadn't forgiven me from the whole water thing. I looked at him, irritated and answered to him in a voice that was dripping sarcasm.
"Sure. Even if I have no battle training, I am going to attack a man that is a foot taller than me with a belt and a jacket. I don't trust the five trained warriors with actual weapons to do it better." Kili started to snicker but stopped when he got a glare from Thorin.
"What exactly is your plan here, Beatrice?" "Again with the Beatrice."
"You'll see. Thanks." I say, grabbing the jacket Kili is handing to me. I walk further into the alley but look back squinting my eyes.
"Eyes off." Kili turns away right away, the others slower. I remove my hoodie, leaving the top on and pull the jacket over my shoulders. Looking at the dwarves, I make sure that they all are turned away, I close the jacket and remove my trousers. Luckily, my shoes are quite nice, so they actually look okay with the dress. I fold up my pants and walk back to them, stuffing them inside my bag.
"The second he has walked inside that bar, you make a run for it. I will come after you as soon as I can." I point to the bar.
"Where is the belt I asked for?" I lay down the collars of the jacket, open the top button and pull up my top so the lace is showing from the headway.
"And why would he leave his spot to go into a bar?" Balin looks at me with a look that tells me that he knows exactly why the guard would leave his post.
"I am going to convince him to have a drink with me." Grabbing the belt from Dwalins hand, I fasten it around my waist so my curves are slightly elevated. Pulling my hair open, I whip my head up and down and run my hand through it, ruffling it up a little. It was wavy after being in a bun for a while.
"You don't have to do this." Kilis voice is quiet.
"Well, I kinda do because its the only plan we have. Wait for me at the other side of the gates. And run as soon as we have gone inside the bar." With that, I walk out of the dark alleyway and into the light. 

(-<>-) The man notices me, so I pretend to stumble a little. "That's it, let him believe that you are drunk. Just like Felicia taught you," I think of the things my friend taught me long ago. "Let him think you are drunk. After he has bought us a couple of drinks he will think he will get lucky, but that is when we take our leave." After we giggled like crazy for a few minutes, we put the plan to action. And we did it countless times after. I smiled at the memory. It was all before my ex. Now, I had to use it one more time but to save a couple of friends. Kind of. I reach him,
"What is a handsome man like you doing here all alone?" I slurred, giving him a bright smile. His eyes slowly glide along my body, getting a horny glow.
"I have work, little lady. But I think I can skip the rest of my shift." "Wow, that was easy. He must be desperate, I didn't have to use any of 'Felicia's nine lines of success'. Now, to close the deal off." I pretend to stumble again and put my hands to his chest to "keep my balance" and slide them down a little. He lets out a low growl and closes his eyes. I take the opportunity to check where the dwarves are. They look at me while walking fast closer to the door.
"Oops, sorry." I get up, removing my hands from his body. He is sold. I can see it his eyes.
"Now, about that drink?" I look at him, batting my eyelashes. He doesn't answer, just grabs me under his arm, placing his other hand on my ass. "Ewwwwww. I just want the drink. And then to get lost." I giggle anyway and push my anxiety away. "Not the time." As we enter the bar, I take a last look at the plaza. The dwarves have all left already. The plan worked. "Now I only have to ditch him and leave."  (-<>-) 

I sneak away from the bar after I have convinced the man to partake in a drinking competition. I walk to the door, having to focus on my steps a little bit after the couple of beers I had at a quite fast pace. I am greeted by a fresh forest smell, and it is a nice change for the tobacco and sweat of that the man smelled like. I see the dwarves approaching me.
"Are you alright?" Balin asks concern coloring his voice.
"I'm perfectly fine. *hiccup* We should get to the others." Thorin looks at me,
"Did you drink something at the bar?" I look at him and hiccup again. He takes it as a yes.
"Well, no more drinking for you." I roll my eyes and mutter out.

As we reach the others, I am greeted by a couple of stunned looking dwarves, because I'm wearing only a jacket and no pants. I didn't have time to change as we rushed to the camp to continue our journey. Grabbing my pants from my bag, I hear someone whisper
"No wonder the brothers have the hots for that one. She is quite the package." Here we go again. "When will they understand that we are just friends?" I ask myself angrily as I pull up my pants. Taking off the jacket to pull on my hoodie, I hear a whistle coming from someone, probably from Bofur but I ignored it after sending a glare filled with daggers at the company. I walk up to Holly. "What is up girl? Let's do a little riding shall we?" I mount her and follow the company, thinking about the horrors yet to come. I feared for the intense parts yet to come. "We must be close to the trolls by now." And unfortunately, I was right. 

A little bit different chapter this time. I wanted to give Beatrice a little confidence to face the trolls and show you a glimpse of how she was before her ex came into the picture. 

Thanks again for reading and as always, comments filled with ideas, things I should work on or things you loved about the story are always welcome!



Edited: 8.12.2018

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